Good Morning Beauties!
How has your week been listening to God about your righteousness? I pray that you've had quiet time with Jesus as He spoke to your heart about your perfectionism. Were you able to let go of the lie that says you have to be perfect in all you do? Did you take off the heavy coat of burden? Remember, Jesus did all the work! You are Saved, Sanctified, Forgiven and Justified. Believe and Receive!
My week's been tough. The enemy was working overtime in my fatigue, and I made some bad choices. To make things worse, I then condemned myself....but just for a second. The Spirit took me through beautiful repentance and also provided me with the perfect scriptures to remind me of Truth. We are not condemned! What the enemy meant for harm, God turned to good. Yay God!
Wear your crown with boldness today Beauties!
Love & Blessings,