Day 12 "Your Spirit's Been Set Free"


Good Morning Beauties! 

Freedom! Such a beautiful word and critical part of our spiritual journey. This 40 Day Journey exists to help free you from the bondage of lies the enemy has told you and walk in the freedom that Christ died to give you.

The verse that reassures me in my freedom is, "So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed." John 8:36. Jesus has already done it...He has already set us free. Do you believe it? Do you trust Him?

I see this process as a circle. We BELIEVE the Word as Truth....We TRUST our life to Jesus...We RECEIVE the Freedom He has given us...We LIVE in Joy.

Where do you need help today? In believing? Trusting? Receiving? Living? Where is your circle broken?

I encourage you to spend time praying for revelation and healing of your broken place.

Kendra Brown