Day 23 "Forgiven, Justified"


Good Morning Beauties!

God's forgiveness is hard to fathom. He became sin and put it's power to death once and for all when he said, "It is finished." The Bible tells us that He has removed our sins as far as the East is from the West....that's FAR!

The easiest way for me to understand the word justified is like this, "It is just as if we have never sinned....clean, pure, spotless. We are the reflection of Christ."

This truth is a hard one for a perfectionist like me. In my self assessment at the end of each day, I see the sin, and I wonder when will I stop sinning. The answer is, never. I will continue to sin as long as I live on this Earth. Jesus broke the POWER of sin, He didn't perfect our behavior. Sin no longer has the power to send me to Hell when I die. By Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, He paid for my sin and now I live under His amazing grace! Forgiven! Justified!

Let's forgive ourselves of the things God has already forgiven us for. What are your things the enemy still torments you about? Let's remind him that Jesus has taken away his power.

Today I pray that we can lay them down at the feet of Jesus, once and for all, and join Him and say, "it is finished."

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown