Day 16 "You are Royalty"


Good Morning Beauties! 

Now that we are feeling joyful and free....let's take a look at our status. We are ROYALTY! Here are a few synonyms for the word royalty: authority, greatness, noble, power, supremacy. These words describe the status we've been given through Christ. Awesome!

One of the creative pages in the back of your journal has the first part of the scripture verse from 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood..." which speaks so much to my heart.

Which part resonates with you this morning? The fact that God is speaking to YOU in this verse? The fact that you are CHOSEN by God? Or is it that God calls you His ROYAL PRIESTHOOD? Take some time and get this Truth deep down in your soul. Exchange the lie that says you're anything less than Royalty.

I love the rest of the verse, "...a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Isn't that so good? We will look at this scripture again later in our 40 day journey.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown