Day 4 "You are Beautiful"

Good Morning Beauties!

Beauty...the word has so many meanings and so many examples. In light of the last 3 days on your journey, what does it mean to you? What does it look like?

Outside of my office window is my favorite tree in the world, a blue spruce. As this work of art is clothed in a blanket of snow, it stands ever confident in all its glory as if to say, "Look at the beauty God has created! Isn't He marvelous?"

Are you moved by the beauty in nature? At His creation? As magnificent as these things are, He calls US His masterpiece!
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10

What is God speaking to you about today? What beauty is He revealing to your heart? Enjoy your time with Him and linger in His beauty.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown
Day 3 "Loved Above All Things"

Good Morning Beauties!

What's the first thing you think of when you hear this Truth; loved above ALL things?

Quite honestly, when I wrote it, I was thinking of all the good things that God has created; He loves me above them all. The more I've pondered this Truth, I think it means above all His good things, and above all my bad things, (sin).

Unconditional love is hard to grasp, here's a definition...
"A type of love which has no bounds or limitations and is unchanging." Do you know a love like this?

The Bible describes it this way...
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Do you know this perfect love of God?

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown
Day 2 "Daughter of The King"
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Good Morning Beauties! 

Please spend good quality time with God and your journal today. Psychologically, the bond between fathers and their daughters is key to our self worth and confidence. Many fathers don't know how to be fathers, so there is some damage in this area. Some of our root issues are derived from this relationship.

If you are blessed to have / had a wonderful and loving father, just think what's it's like to have a perfect father, Abba Father! Off the charts fabulous!! If your father, here on Earth was not the loving and kind father you deserved, I'm sorry. Abba Father is your True Father, and He loves you very much. He is able to meet every need that was not met by your father.

Psalm 45:10-11 says, "Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father's house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord."

in context, He is asking the bride to forget her family, and now serve the Lord. Jesus often asked His followers to leave their family and their previous life to follow Him. Isn't He asking the same of us? What would that mean for you?

Oh, and did you catch it? He is ENTHRALLED by our beauty!

Be still before Him, and let Him speak Truth over you, pour healing balm into open wounds, and be who you need Him to be.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown
Day 1 "You are Beautiful"

Good Morning Beauties!

We're here! We've prayed and prepared for this day, and we are ready to begin our journey! I applaud your courage and desire to grow into a deeper relationship with God, and I'm confident that you will.

When you first hear the word "beauty" what do you think? Outside, physical beauty? Inner, thoughtful beauty? Do you picture Barbie or Mother Teresa? Or is it a mixture of both?

On this first day of our journey, I pray that you made time to pray, listen to the song (perhaps dance with Jesus), and wait in the stillness for what The Lord wanted to speak to your heart. I pray that you were honest with yourself as you answered the first question in your journal, "What do I believe about this Truth?"

This 40 Day Journey with you is my fourth, and God is still revealing His Truth to me. Today He spoke to me about my heart, His Love, and my need to receive even more of it!

God is so good, and He's so faithful! Lean in, open up, and He will speak.

Love & Blessings, 

Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
— Mother Teresa
Kendra Brown
Preparation Day 3
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Good Morning Beauties! 

On this, our last day of preparation, I'd like to share an appropriate and exciting scripture from Psalm 42:1-2 (NIV):
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?"

The 40 Day Journey is about just that...meeting with God. The community group has been established to encourage you on your journey, but the purpose of your journey is to meet with God, hear His Truth, and allow that Truth to transform and renew those places that are currently bound up by lies.

Today I pray that we all are thirsty for God's living water and that we will come ready and delighted each morning to meet with Him for the next 40 days.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown
Preparation Day 2

Good Morning Beauties! Preparation Day 2

Today is an important time in our preparation as we identify any obstacles that may be standing in our way of successfully completing our 40 Day Journey. These roadblocks include lack of time, lack of motivation, and lack of discipline. The Journey may also bring up things you've been burying for a long time. You may want to quit and not fully process through the emotional pain.

I have traveled on 3 previous 40 Day Journeys, and each one has been life changing in different ways. On each journey I ran into time constraints, feeling like it was something to check off my to do list in the morning, and not making enough time in the morning.

Although these type of days happened, they were very few. Most of my days on the Journey were filled with time in God's presence, hearing revelation through His Word or a song, and being changed.

Let's pray today for God to reveal those obstacles that will stand in our way. Once we know what they are, we can have a plan to defeat them. For example, it may take the discipline of going to bed earlier so you can wake up earlier, before the rest of your household, and spend time with God and your journal.

Believe me, it will be worth it! God is so good, and He loves you so much! He wants you to be all He created you to be!

Kendra Brown
Preparation Day 1
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Good Morning Beauties! 

We are about to embark on a beautiful adventure. If you're here, it's because you want to grow deeper in your relationship with God. The journey will be different for everyone. It may be difficult, but you can complete the journey as God strengthens you.

As we approach our journey in this Easter season of transportation and renewal, I encourage you to pray and think about your expectations. What do you hope to accomplish? What area of your life do you need to open up to God and let Him speak Truth to your soul?

On a practical side, please read the introduction of your journal. You will find helpful information to allow for the best experience. Get to know your journal, flip through it and see how it's organized.

I'm looking forward to walking through the 40 days with you. Hopefully, you will find my daily posts encouraging, motivating, and keeping you on track. If at anytime you would like to chat separate from this page, please email me at

Have a beautiful day as you prepare for your 40 Day Journey.

Love & Blessings,

Kendra Brown
40 Day Journey - Easter 2018

Good Morning Beauties!

Join me as we walk through our 40 Day Journey together while creating a supportive community for each other. Our journey begins 2.21.18 and ends on Easter. Can you think of better timing to open yourself to transformation than the season of renewal at Easter? 

This community has been created to meet me here each morning to be encouraged in your journey. Some will check in for accountability, while others may want a little direction through scripture verses, songs, or questions. My prayer is that you will hunger for time with God and listen as He replaces lies you currently believe with His Truth. He loves you so much and has come to bring you life...a life overflowing with abundant joy and freedom.

As with any journey, we need to prepare. Please meet me here on Sunday, 2.18.18 to begin our 3 days of preparation. Just as Jesus prayed in the garden with His friends as preparation before His great transformation, we too will come together to prepare. 

Journals are available online at or

Love & Blessings, 

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
— Romans 12:2