Good Morning Beauties!
I hope you enjoyed reflecting on and celebrating your day of salvation yesterday. What memories came to mind? Did it change your disposition for the day? I enjoyed a day of freedom and gratitude for all Jesus has done for me.
We discussed being Saved yesterday, but what about Sanctified? It’s important too. I found an on-line article that briefly explains the difference and graduation of all three: Justification, Salvation, Sanctification. It brings this stanza of Righteous all together for us. Enjoy…
What is the difference between justification, salvation and sanctification?
Grace and faith are the only way to justification, salvation, and sanctification. So what do I myself need to do?
Written by Kathryn Albig
“Justification – forgiveness, the clearing of all of my guilt and the deserved penalty for committed sins, through faith in Jesus Christ, who took on the penalty for my sins and paid the price by dying in my stead. (Galatians 2:16) This leads to salvation.
Salvation – saved from the penalty of committed sin, but – even greater – also from the very root of sin; from the bondage I was in to the body of sin. (Hebrews 7:19, 25) The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in me and works in me, leading me to overcome sin. Sin is anything that goes against God’s will and His laws. To commit sin is to transgress or disobey these laws. The lust to sin dwells in human nature. In other words, it is contaminated and motivated by the sinful tendencies that dwell in all people as a result of the fall into sin and disobedience in the garden of Eden. This... More before it is committed. I am saved from the necessity of committing sin just because I have sin – which leads to …
Sanctification – This is the result of salvation. It is the transformation. This is the process of sanctification, in which we our sinful human nature is gradually exchanged for divine nature when we in obedience to God’s will deny and put to death the sinful lusts in our flesh. (Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Peter 1:3-4)... More from human to divine nature. God’s nature, or divine nature, is perfectly pure and it cannot be tempted by evil. We are promised that we can be partakers of the divine nature by fleeing the corruption in the world that comes through our lusts. As we gradually overcome our sinful human nature it is replaced by divine nature – God shares His own nature with... More (2 Peter 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:15-16; Matthew 5:48); being made holy. This is a process I undergo throughout my lifetime as I, in obedience to the Spirit, put off the works of the flesh. Conscious sin; things we know to be sin before we do them. These are not “accidents” but deliberate sins, and they are to be repented from and “put off” at conversion: “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness,... More and take on the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:16-16)
Of course this is all by grace. By grace God worked in my heart, calling me to repentance. Repentance is the act of regretting sincerely the sin in your past with the goal to never do it again. It is making a decision to turn away from evil and to serve God. Repentance is one of the requirements for the forgiveness of sins. (Mark 2:17; Luke 15:10; Luke 24:46-47; Acts 3:19; Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10; 2 Peter... More. By grace and obedience to the faith, as a disciple. A disciple is another word for a follower of Christ, one who is learning to be like his Master. As a disciple you follow Jesus Christ, who is the Master and by living like Him you become more like Him. (Matthew 16:24; 1 Peter 2:21-22)... More, I am saved, sanctified, made holy, and purified as He, my Master, Savior, and Bridegroom, is pure.”
There’s a lot of information to unpack, so take your time today to investigate even more. From your first read through, what stood out? What action is God calling you to do? Selah.
You Are My King (Amazing Love) - Christy Nockels
Love and Blessings,