Day 24 "You Are Righteous"
Display of His Splendor Photo by David Hertle on Unsplash

Display of His Splendor
Photo by David Hertle on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

You are Righteous! Is it sinking in? What have you heard from God about your justification, salvation, and sanctification? Are you still processing just how miraculous this gift is? Selah.

Jesus came to make us right with God, so we can enter His presence, and be changed by His Love and Goodness. This change makes it possible to be an example to others, so they too might be changed. I think this transformation by God is the true “circle of life.”

Who in your life is God prompting you to be a Godly example? A friend? A co-worker? A family member? You don’t have to be perfect to be used by God, just willing. Are you willing to make a difference in someone’s life today? Selah.

Legacy - Nichole Nordeman

Love and Blessings,

...They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.
— Isaiah 61:3 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 23 "Forgiven Justified"
Olive Branch

Olive Branch

Good Morning Beauties!

I hope you enjoyed reflecting on and celebrating your day of salvation yesterday. What memories came to mind? Did it change your disposition for the day? I enjoyed a day of freedom and gratitude for all Jesus has done for me.

We discussed being Saved yesterday, but what about Sanctified? It’s important too. I found an on-line article that briefly explains the difference and graduation of all three: Justification, Salvation, Sanctification. It brings this stanza of Righteous all together for us. Enjoy…

What is the difference between justification, salvation and sanctification?

Grace and faith are the only way to justification, salvation, and sanctification. So what do I myself need to do?

Written by Kathryn Albig

“Justification – forgiveness, the clearing of all of my guilt and the deserved penalty for committed sins, through faith in Jesus Christ, who took on the penalty for my sins and paid the price by dying in my stead. (Galatians 2:16) This leads to salvation.

Salvation – saved from the penalty of committed sin, but – even greater – also from the very root of sin; from the bondage I was in to the body of sin. (Hebrews 7:1925) The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in me and works in me, leading me to overcome sin. Sin is anything that goes against God’s will and His laws. To commit sin is to transgress or disobey these laws. The lust to sin dwells in human nature. In other words, it is contaminated and motivated by the sinful tendencies that dwell in all people as a result of the fall into sin and disobedience in the garden of Eden. This... More before it is committed. I am saved from the necessity of committing sin just because I have sin – which leads to …

Sanctification – This is the result of salvation. It is the transformation. This is the process of sanctification, in which we our sinful human nature is gradually exchanged for divine nature when we in obedience to God’s will deny and put to death the sinful lusts in our flesh. (Romans 12:22 Corinthians 3:182 Peter 1:3-4)... More from human to divine nature. God’s nature, or divine nature, is perfectly pure and it cannot be tempted by evil. We are promised that we can be partakers of the divine nature by fleeing the corruption in the world that comes through our lusts. As we gradually overcome our sinful human nature it is replaced by divine nature – God shares His own nature with... More (2 Peter 1:2-41 Peter 1:15-16Matthew 5:48); being made holy. This is a process I undergo throughout my lifetime as I, in obedience to the Spirit, put off the works of the flesh. Conscious sin; things we know to be sin before we do them. These are not “accidents” but deliberate sins, and they are to be repented from and “put off” at conversion: “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness,... More and take on the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:16-16)

Of course this is all by grace. By grace God worked in my heart, calling me to repentance. Repentance is the act of regretting sincerely the sin in your past with the goal to never do it again. It is making a decision to turn away from evil and to serve God. Repentance is one of the requirements for the forgiveness of sins. (Mark 2:17Luke 15:10Luke 24:46-47Acts 3:19Romans 2:42 Corinthians 7:10; 2 Peter... More. By grace and obedience to the faith, as a disciple. A disciple is another word for a follower of Christ, one who is learning to be like his Master. As a disciple you follow Jesus Christ, who is the Master and by living like Him you become more like Him. (Matthew 16:241 Peter 2:21-22)... More, I am saved, sanctified, made holy, and purified as He, my Master, Savior, and Bridegroom, is pure.”

There’s a lot of information to unpack, so take your time today to investigate even more. From your first read through, what stood out? What action is God calling you to do? Selah.

You Are My King (Amazing Love) - Christy Nockels

Love and Blessings,

So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.
— Galatians 2:16 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 22 "Saved And Sanctified"
The Day of My Salvation

The Day of My Salvation

Good Morning Beauties!

Today’s a beautiful day to reflect on the most important day of our lives - our day of salvation. What a glorious day that was, am I right? We can look back to that day and see where our lives changed. The old passed away and our new self was born. Now that is something to celebrate!

I love today’s photo - it moves me. It reminds me how desperate I was to be saved from the dark pit I was in and how Jesus came to my rescue. It also stirs in me all that Jesus saved me from and all He’s leading me toward.

Looking back at your own salvation day, what do you remember most? What emotions does it evoke? What are the changes in your life since this day? Please take time to journal about your special day. Selah

If you have not experienced salvation from Jesus Christ, the Truth is clear in the Bible, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16. New International Version. Call out to Jesus and be saved. Today is the day. Please reach out to me through my “let’s connect” on the website, and I’d be thrilled to pray with you.

I hope you’ve saved time to praise God for your salvation. Here’s a great song for just that!

This is the Day - Laura Story

Love and Blessings,

I am filled with joy and my soul vibrates with exuberant hope, because of the Eternal my God; For He has dressed me with the garment of salvation, wrapped me with the robe of righteousness. It’s as though I’m dressed for my wedding day, in the very best: a bridegroom’s garland and a bride’s jewels.
— Isaiah 61:10 The Voice translation
Kendra Brown
Day 21 "You Are Righteous"
Free To Receive Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Free To Receive
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Today we begin the second half of our journey. You’re half way there, congratulations!! I pray you’re seeing changes in your life already from spending time with God each day and truly listening to His Truth about who you are in Christ.

Today we begin our fifth attribute, Righteous. I have found this one difficult to believe. Why? Because the ways of God are not the same as our ways on earth. He does not demand us to be “good enough” or to EARN His Righteousness. I see beautiful Christian women everyday still trying to do enough and be good enough to earn their right standing with God. Our efforts are futile - we can never do enough or be good enough.

Thank you God for sending Jesus! Through Him, we are made righteous. Through His atoning sacrifice on the cross, He has given us right standing with God. It’s a pure gift, and nothing to be earned. You may already know this truth in your mind, but do you believe it in your heart? What are the ways you’re still trying to earn God’s approval? Selah.

God’s word confirms, “But now God has shown us a different way to heaven—not by “being good enough” and trying to keep his laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago). Now God says he will accept and acquit us—declare us “not guilty”—if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like.” Romans 3:22 The Living Bible

I find believing in my righteousness to be a paradox - it’s so simple, and yet so tough to get my mind around. On one hand, it’s easy because I have only to receive Jesus’ gift and on the other, it’s hard not trying to gain my righteousness by working for it. Does that make sense? Do you feel the same way? Selah.

How do we respond to such an amazing gift? We worship!

I Worship You, Almighty God - Sondra Corbett

Love and Blessings,

Yes, Adam’s sin brought punishment to all, but Christ’s righteousness makes men right with God, so that they can live.
— Romans 5:18 The Living Bible

Kendra Brown
Day 20 "And You Are Beautiful"
The Beauty of God’s Word Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The Beauty of God’s Word
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

God is so good. Two back to back sermons I heard this morning were saying the exact same thing…we must read and study God’s Word to have revelation knowledge of Him and all He says we are. So, on that note, I encourage you today to get your Bibles and allow God to lead you in a personal time with Him, wherever He leads. You may also want to praise Him with song, dance, art - however you connect with your Creator.

Have a marvelous Monday!

Love and Blessings,

Yet faith comes from listening to this Good News—the Good News about Christ.
— Romans 10:17 The Living Bible
Kendra Brown
Day 19 "You Are Royalty"
A Place to Belong Photo by David Švihovec on Unsplash

A Place to Belong
Photo by David Švihovec on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

What a beautiful morning to come together and discuss God’s Truth. You’ve had a few days to ponder another truth of who you really are. Do you believe it yet? Do you believe you are royalty? Selah.

I heard a marvelous sermon today on God’s Truth and how the enemy will tell us lies which become our personal truths. Sound familiar? The pastor spoke about when we believe the lies, or even the twisted truth, they become our story. I have definitely found this to be true in my life, what about you?

When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and we give our life to Him, everything changes. He tells us we belong to His Heavenly Family and will never be alone again. In Him, all things are possible., no dream is too big.

My earthly family came from Germany and were primarily pig farmers. They were extremely hard workers and tried to provide for their family. I’m sure some years yielded more than others, which made it difficult to bring in a steady income. Dreams of going to college and aspirations of changing the world were never part of the conversation, never really a thought. So the enemy took the family heritage I came from to say, “Who do you think you are? You know where you came from, and it’s not enough.” Remember what Philiip said of Jesus? “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

It was a process for me to believe my dreams could come true, that I was more than who the story of my past said I was. It took some time for me to begin to believe God’s Truth because I had believed these lies for nearly all my life. Today, I have a new story! I am the daughter of the Most High King, and the plans He has placed in my heart will come to pass.

What is your story? Are lies or twisted truths hold you back from attaining your hopes and dreams? Ask the Lord to reveal anything and everything preventing you from being all God made you to be. Selah.

I Belong To You - Hillsong

Love and Blessings,

So, you are not foreigners or guests, but rather you are the children of the city of the holy ones, with all the rights as family members of the household of God. You are rising like the perfectly fitted stones of the temple; and your lives are being built up together upon the ideal foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, and best of all, you are connected to the Head Cornerstone of the building, the Anointed One, Jesus Christ himself!
— Ephesians 2:19-20 The Passion Translation

Kendra Brown
Day 18 "Heaven's Glow From You Abounds"
Heaven’s Glow Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Heaven’s Glow
Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Have you enjoyed the beautiful sunshine this week? I find it energizing, nourishing, and satisfying. In this time of year, after months of cold gray skies, I’m desperate for sunshine. How about you? Does your body, soul and spirit long for the refreshing brightness from the sun?

Just as I crave the glow from the sun in the middle of a dark and dreary Minnesota Winter, I thirst for the true glow from Heaven - Jesus. When my heart starts to harden, or my spirit becomes dry, or my mind becomes depleted, I need to be filled again with the Word of God, time of listening to my Father, and communing with Jesus. Are you more susceptible to the schemes and lies of the enemy during times away from God? Where do you go and what do you do to refuel? Selah.

Have you ever met anyone who has Heaven’s Glow? They just seem to radiate the love of God in any situation. Without asking, I know they have spent time with God and are resting in His love and care. I can sure tell when I have had quality time with God and when I have not. There is a vast difference in my life.

I pray we all find our refreshment today in God’s love, especially in this season of restoration. What a wonderful day to use the creative pages in the journal and let your inner child have fun. I pray joy and peace for you as you let your Heavenly Glow shine today!

Shine Jesus Shine - Maranatha Music

Love and Blessings,

The light of God’s love shined within us when he sent His matchless Son into the world so that we might live through Him.
— 1 John 4:9 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 17 "You Wear The Victor's Crown"
Victory in Jesus Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

Victory in Jesus
Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Yesterday we looked at how God has given us our Victor’s Crown, but it’s up to us to receive it, put it on our heads, and wear it in our daily lives. Jesus did all the hard work, and now we just have to believe in Him and all He did to bring us a victorious life.

We often think of a crown as a beautiful jewel adorned golden fixture, but today let’s look at the crown Jesus wore on that dark Friday. The victory is found there.

“Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe 3 and went up to him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they slapped him in the face.” John 19:1-3 New International Version

What do you feel when you read those words? Knowing Jesus suffered physical pain and humiliation for your sake? How do you feel when you hear that he’d do it all again for you?

The crown being presented on someone’s head signifies a winner - a victor. It also says, “This person belongs to a royal family.” In fact, the Roman soldiers were mocking Jesus by putting the crown on His head, but they had it right - He was a king - THE King! By accepting the crown, Jesus acknowledged the victory His Father had always intended. Jesus would defeat death once and for all and reconcile God’s beloved children back to Him. Hallelujah!!!

Let’s praise our Victorious King today. Here’s a song jam packed with God’s Truth. Enjoy!

The Victor’s Crown - Darlene Zschech

Love and Blessings,

Blessed (happy, [a]to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor’s] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.
— James 1:12 Amplified Bible
Kendra Brown
Day 16 "You Are Royalty"
Hesitant Royalty Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash

Hesitant Royalty
Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

I’m excited to delve into our the attribute of ROYALTY. In a day where it’s popular to explore family history and where we come from, I welcome the truth about our true bloodline - Jesus Christ. The Bible confirms, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 English Standard Version. Do you believe anything different than your true royal status? Selah.

I like the photo above because it depicts the reality of most women I know. We hold our crown in our hands with our heads held low. I think this photo shows how we may know of our status through Christ, but do not fully believe it enough to actually raise our head, put on the crown and walk in the freedom it brings.

Do you wear your crown, believing you are a member of The Royal Family? Do you think you are unworthy to wear it? Take a few minutes to write down your answers. Selah.

Here’s a song to remind us of God’s goodness.

King of My Heart - Kutless

Love and Blessings,

May your priests, Lord God, be clothed with salvation, may your faithful people rejoice in your goodness.
— 2 Chronicles 6:41 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 15 "And You Are Beautiful"
Pure Joy and Beauty  Photo by Court Prather on Unsplash

Pure Joy and Beauty

Photo by Court Prather on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

So how are you doing on your journey? Today is a good time to pause and reflect on your progress. It’s time to “Selah” for sure. Grab your journal and let’s take a look at those things you wrote down during the three days of preparation.

Is your journey what your expected? The answer for most ladies is “no.” Somehow it goes a little deeper than expected and it’s not a bad thing, just different. God may be taking you to uncomfortable places to reveal truth, but it’s worth it, and He’s right there with you.

Is the journey meeting your expectations? Please look at what you wrote down in your journal and see how reality compares to what you wanted to get out of it. Do you sense God’s presence everyday as you pray and listen for Him to speak? Is there anything you can do differently? Are you fully committed to your experience? Are you wanting Him to do more?

How are the obstacles that try to get in the way of your successful journey? What may be hindering you right now? Take a look at your journal and see what you anticipated would cause problems. Now look at your action plan. Are your solutions working? Do you need to make any adjustments to your plan or do you need to devise another plan all together?

Is your purpose for going on this journey still motivating you to meet with God each day and listen as He reveals truth about your identity in Him? Are you still excited to spend time with your loving Father and be filled with His love and truth?

Overall, how are you enjoying your journey? What do you like and dislike? How do you like the journal itself? Do you have enough room to write all your thoughts and prayers? Are you using the Creative Pages to slow down and color, be creative, and listen to God?

We have now looked at the attributes of BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY, and JOYFUL. What has God revealed to you about these truths? Has your opinion about your beauty changed at all?

I pray you continue to hunger for more of God and more of His truth. I invite you to reach out and connect with me via my website if you need encouragement or just a good chat.

Love and Blessings,

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.
— Romans 12:2 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 14 "You Are Joyful"
Joyful Soul Photo by Timothy Barlin on Unsplash

Joyful Soul
Photo by Timothy Barlin on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

“Lord! I’m bursting with joy over what you’ve done for me! My lips are full of perpetual praise. I’m boasting of You and all Your works, so let all who are discouraged take heart. Join me, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord together. Let’s make him famous! Let’s make his name glorious to all. Listen to my testimony: I cried to God in my distress and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears!” Psalm 34:1-4 The Passion Translation

What a perfect example of having God’s joy down deep in our soul. It comes from King David who had just escaped King Saul when he pretended to be insane. Do you know this kind of joy? The kind that makes you grateful even when life is difficult? The kind that makes you sing praises to God when the world is closing in from all sides? Selah.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross,scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Shall we become like Jesus and submit to the desire of God? In our surrender, we find satisfaction, joy, and peace. What is He asking of you today? Are you willing to obey? Selah.

King David was a good and loyal man who loved the Lord with all his heart, and yet, he had to endure numerous trials in his life that seemed unjust, unkind, and unloving. Despite it all, David kept his joy in tact. What are the unfair things you’ve gone through? Even though the enemy wants to crush your spirit, is there a joy that remains in your soul? Selah.

Let’s follow King David’s lead and praise the Lord today.

Joy - Vashawn Mitchell

Love and Blessings,

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
— John 15:11 New International Version

Kendra Brown
Day 13 "Grace Has Brought You Peace"
Beautiful Peace Photo by Rohit Guntur on Unsplash

Beautiful Peace
Photo by Rohit Guntur on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Grace…Amazing Grace. It is so sweet, isn’t it? I think it will take a lifetime to fully grasp all that God has done through Christ. How do you see grace? What does it mean to you? Selah.

When I was writing this lyric, the word peace came first. I had to think of what one thing brings me the most peace, and after much contemplation, I realized it was grace. I am saved through grace. I am loved just as I am through grace. I have favor with God through grace. Salvation, love, and favor bring me peace.

I see peace as a process with several parts formed in a circle. Each time I go around the circle, my peace increases. The circle begins with God’s Word (Jesus), and moves to belief. Do I believe what i read in scripture as truth? If I do, then the next step is trust. In trusting God, I can lay down my fears in faith. The next step is accepting God’s grace as I surrender my life to Him. In this beautiful exchange of my life for His, I find extraordinary peace. This is my view of how God’s Amazing Grace brings me peace. What is yours? Selah.

Let’s praise God today for taking our brokenness and making us whole through His grace.

Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) - Hillsong

Love and Blessings,

For it was only through this wonderful grace that we believed in Him. Nothing we did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the gracious gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.
— Ephesians 2:8-9 The Passion Translation

Kendra Brown
Day 12 "Your Spirit's Been Set Free"
Free From Captivity Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Free From Captivity
Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

I love the sound of freedom. I can hear it in laughter, cries, words spoken, and sweet voices singing. Can you hear it too? Where do you hear the sound of freedom? Do you hear it within yourself? Selah.

In Isaiah 61, the Bible tells us Jesus came to “set the captives free.” The picture that comes to mind is of a bird who longs to fly, but is held captive in her cage. She sees the potential beyond the door of flying - doing what she was made to do, but the door is closed and locked - she is held captive.

By His grace and mercy, Jesus Christ has opened the door and set us free! We have the freedom to live up to our potential and be all He created us to be. Do you believe it? Then why don’t we see ourselves or each other living this kind of life? Why are we still burdened? Still weighed down? Still held captive?

The door is open, but we are still sitting in the cage. The enemy lies to me and says, “Who do you think you are to have big dreams?” “If you tell people your dreams, they’ll think you’re insane.” Insecurity and fear hold me captive at times and prevent me from leaving my cage. What holds you captive in your cage? Selah.

I pray today for all of us to be set free from the lies that keep us captive. I pray we believe in the truths of God and will follow him through the cage door, never to return. I pray we receive healing for those places that have left wounds in our hearts. I pray we can celebrate God’s awesome power to fulfill all His promises and that our trust in Him will be complete.

Song Of Freedom - Hillsong

Love and Blessings,

A Life Of Freedom
Let me be clear, the Anointed One has set us free—not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past.
— Galatians 5:1 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 11 "You Are Joyful"
Joyful Heart Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Joyful Heart
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

You are doing AMAZING! You have walked through 10 days of your journey with God, and I am so proud of your dedication and determination to open yourself up to the transformative work of our Lord.

Today we start our third attribute, JOYFUL. What does it mean to be joyful? The obvious definition is, “To be filled with joy.” But what does joy mean to you? Is it a constant state of happiness? Does it have anything to do with happiness at all? Is it something that comes and goes with circumstance? What is your level of joy on a scale of 1-10? Selah.

The Bible tells us, “The Joy of the Lord is our Strength,” so it’s vitally important to eliminate anything standing in the way of our joy. What are you holding on to that prevents you from walking in the truth of your joy? Are they lies? Are they painful situations you’ve endured? Are you willing to “let go and let God?” Selah.

Darlene Zschech, through her ministry, has had a great impact on my life. I was blessed back in 1999 to attend a Hillsong Conference and worship God under her leading. As she ushered us into the very presence of God, I was changed. I am inspired by her leadership and walk with God and like to share with others in hopes they too will be inspired.

Below is a video in which Darlene explains the loss of an unborn child and the song she wrote in that difficult time follows. Be encouraged to let go and find joy!

Joy for Sorrow - Darlene Zschech

Letting Go - Darlene Zschech

Love and Blessings,

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.
— Psalm 28:7 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 10 "And You Are Beautiful"
My God Knows Me Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

My God Knows Me
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

What a beautiful Spring day we’re having in Minnesota. Sun shining, birds singing, snow melting. God’s creation is Beautiful! How are you feeling and believing about your beauty today?

The Lord spoke to me about how well He knows me; that makes sense, He created me. I am a part of His beautiful creation….we all are. There are several references to God knowing us in the Bible, and my favorite is Psalm 139. A portion is below in our “quote of the day” section, but I encourage you to read the entire chapter today as a reminder of how much God knows and loves you.

One of my biggest frustrations is being misunderstood. Can you relate? The more I try to make the other person know what I’m saying which leads to knowing me better, the more frustrated I become. Do you struggle with this too? I find so much comfort knowing that God completely knows everything about me. There are no misunderstandings! He’s the one I run to when nobody else “gets it.”

After reading the Psalm, what are you thinking? What does your heart feel when you read God’s Truth? Are you willing to hand over any lies that contradict this Truth? Selah.

Have a blessed day, my beautiful friend! Here’s a little song to send you on your way.

Lovely - Hollyn

Love and Blessings,

You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb. I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly you know me, Lord!
— Psalm 139:13-14 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 9 "You Are Lovely"
Strength of Loveliness Photo by Alexandre Tsuchiya on Unsplash

Strength of Loveliness
Photo by Alexandre Tsuchiya on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

How have you been blessed by your loveliness this week? Have you put it on as a new gown for all to see? Have you hid it in a closet rejecting the idea that you are lovely at all? For me this was an attribute I didn’t relate to because I always thought it meant "soft, fragile, delicate." All things I never considered myself...until I started my 40 day journeys.  Through this process, God has shown me Truth about this word;  lovely is also strong. 

The Lord brought to my mind today the picture of softness and strength in a ballerina. This past summer I wrote about it and I want to share it with you today…

If we look to Webster's Dictionary, here is what we find for the word lovely, "delightful for beauty, harmony, or grace."  What is something that has all these attributes?  Ballet and the Ballerina.  Did you think the same thing?   When watching a ballerina dance, we see beauty, harmony, and grace.  A great ballerina makes every move seem effortless. 

The truth is far from takes much effort and strength.  The ballerina must place all her weight on her toes.  They hold her up and allow her to move.  Have you ever wondered how on earth she can jump and leap and land on her toes?  She has a strong foundation holding her up which allows the rest of her to glide across the floor like a soft, graceful butterfly.  We have strength holding us up too - JESUS!  He is our firm foundation who we can place our trust.  We find our strength in HIM who allows us to be the lovely women He created us to be.  

What is God telling you today about your loveliness? Do you have a woman in your life that depicts this gentle strength? How has God used her in your life to set an example for you? How can you thank her today for all she means to you? Selah.

Love and Blessings,

For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock. It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky. Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice. How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice in prayer.
— Song of Solomon 2:14 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 8 "Yet You Wear Humility"
Sweet Humility Photo by Kaitlin Shelby on Unsplash

Sweet Humility
Photo by Kaitlin Shelby on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Today we’re looking at the our humility, which seems in contrast to the strength of our majesty from yesterday. But is it really so different? Humility, true humility is possessing great strength and keeping it under control, much like meekness.

Jesus is our perfect example of pure humility. During this season of Easter, it’s timely to think of all He went through prior to His resurrection. The movie, The Passion of The Christ, brilliantly depicts His example for us. It may have been the biggest revelation for me from the entire movie - He didn’t say a word.

Through the taunting of the soldiers, the humiliation, the cruel scourging, the anguish of carrying His own cross, the nails driven into His hands and feet - He didn’t say a word. We all know He could have called for a legion of angles to rescue Him at any point, but he remained silent. He is God, He is all powerful, He is all knowing, and yet - nothing.

And when he did finally speak - the most humble thing ever. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) He thought of us first and himself last. What a picture He gave us!

Are you like me and are thinking, “Yeah, but he’s God. I’m not capable of that kind of sacrifice and humility.” But please remember that Jesus was fully man as well as fully God, and His willingness to follow His Father’s will and to love others came from Jesus, Son of Man. Also remember, that He lives in you! The power of the Holy Spirit, that raised Christ from the dead resides in you. (Romans 8:11)

How does Jesus’ example make you think of your own humility? What is God revealing to you? What is He asking you to do from that humble place? Selah.

Love and Blessings,

Be willing to be made low before the Lord and he will exalt you!
— James 4:!0 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 7 "Clothed In His Majesty"
The Majesty of God Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

The Majesty of God
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

How much do you love the word Majesty? It's one of the most special words I know. There are certain words that I use only for God. Awesome, Holy, and Majestic are a few of them. He is so worthy of special words.

If this is the case, how can we be clothed in His Majesty? We’re not God., we’re only human and incapable of having anything to do with this Majesty. The answer is simple - when we believe in Christ, He lives in us. (Galatians 2:20) His attributes become our attributes. He shines through us like the radiant sun. The enemy would have you believe it’s not possible. “Who do you think you are?” he taunts. Are you listening to the enemy? Are you doubting the truth of God’s Word? Selah.

Today let’s get a grasp on the idea of God’s Majesty and then start to believe we share this quality as well. I absolutely love the description of His majesty as described in Psalm 93. Read the beautiful words and let them give you confidence today as you read about God’s strength and might.

The Majesty of God - The Passion Translation

“Look! Yahweh now reigns as King! He has covered himself with majesty and strength, wearing them as his splendor-garments. Regal power surrounds him as he sits securely on his throne. He’s in charge of it all, the entire world, and he knows what he’s doing! Lord, you have reigned as King from the very beginning of time. Eternity is your home. Chaos once challenged you. The raging waves lifted themselves over and over, high above the ocean’s depths, letting out their mighty roar! Yet at the sound of your voice they were all stilled by your might. What a majestic King, filled with power! Nothing could ever change your royal decrees; they will last forever! Holiness is the beauty that fills your house; you are the one who abides forevermore!”

WOW! Our God is AWESOME!!! Looking back over your life, where are the places the Lord has calmed the raging waters? How did He show His Majesty? Selah. (You may want to write them in your journal)

Please join me in giving a sacrifice of praise to our Great God!

How Great Is Our God - Darlene Zschech

Love and Blessings,

The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty...
— Psalm 93:1 New King James Version
Kendra Brown
Day 6 "You Are Lovely"
One With Our Groom Photo by on Unsplash

One With Our Groom
Photo by on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Welcome to the second stanza and attribute of who God made you. You are LOVELY. What is the first thing you think of when you hear that word. What pictures come to mind? Be sure to write down your thoughts of how you currently see your loveliness.

If we look at the root word, we see LOVE. How awesome! God is love, and so here’s just another example of God being the center of who we are. He’s right smack dab in the middle of you and me. He’s in us and around us and we’re one. Selah.

I mentioned earlier in our journey that I received Jesus’ love and fell in love with Him during a Bible study of Song of Solomon. I hope you had a chance to read it. The love of the Groom for His Bride is undeniable and so beautifully written. Below you will find a portion of the first chapter where the Bride (Shulamite) has a difficult time accepting the Bridegroom’s love because of her “darkness” or her sin. She feels unworthy of the adoration of the Groom, and yet He assures her His love is very real and He sees past her darkness.

Do you struggle with the same thing? What will it take for you to believe the Truth about your loveliness in the eyes of the Lord? Selah.

Enjoy this beautiful version of the verse. Open your heart wide and receive His love and His truth.

Song of Songs 1:5 The Passion Translation (TPT)

The Shulamite

Jerusalem maidens, in this twilight darkness[a]
I know I am so unworthy—so in need.

The Shepherd-King

Yet you are so lovely!

The Shulamite

I feel as dark and dry as the desert tents
of the wandering nomads.[b]

The Shepherd-King

Yet you are so lovely—
like the fine linen tapestry hanging in the Holy Place.


  1. Song of Songs 1:5 Or “black.” The Hebrew root word used here for “black” or “dark” means “twilight darkness” or “morning gray.”

  2. Song of Songs 1:5 Literally “dark as the tent curtains of Kedar.” There is a wordplay in the Hebrew, as the word Kedar means “a dark one” or “a dark place.” This was the name of one of the sons of Ishmael and represents our old Adam life. See Ps. 120:5.

Love and Blessings,

Look at you, my dearest darling, you are so lovely! You are beauty itself to me.
— Song of Solomon 1:15 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 5 "Yes, You Are Beautiful"
I Will Praise You Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I Will Praise You
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

Are you soaking up the Truth of God’s love for you and your beauty? The past few days we’ve looked at so much: your idea of beauty, what you believe about your own beauty, your royal status, and God’s perfect love for you. I’ll ask again, are you soaking up these Truths? Selah.

Today is a good day to reflect already. Looking back at the first few days of your journey, what lies have been uncovered? Have you written them down in your journal? What truths did God reveal to overcome each lie? Again, are they written in your journal? It’s very helpful to see exactly where God unlocked the prison doors and provided freedom. Perhaps God wants to give you several small gifts instead of just one large revelation which leads to the full life He came to give you.

The Bible teaches us about freedom. I’ve included The Passion Translation of John 8:31-32 along with footnotes. “Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “When you continue to embrace all that I teach, you prove that you are my true followers. For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.’” Footnotes: The truth Jesus gives us releases us from the bondage of our past, the bondage of our sins, and the bondage of religion. Jesus is speaking these words to those who were not fully free from man’s traditions. Truth must be embraced and worked out through the divine process of spiritual maturity. The Greek word for “truth” is reality. To embrace the reality of Christ brings more freedom into your life. See the book of Galatians for a clear explanation of the freedom Jesus refers to here.

I pray you are able to spend time thanking God for all He’s done in this short amount of time you’ve been on your journey. How will you worship Him today? Selah.

In case you’d like to worship with song today…here’s a great one!

For All You’ve Done - Hillsong

Love and Blessings,

I will praise you forever, O God, for what you have done.
— Psalm 52:9 New Living Translation
Kendra Brown