Day 18 "Heaven's Glow From You Abounds"
Good Morning Beauties!
Have you enjoyed the beautiful sunshine this week? I find it energizing, nourishing, and satisfying. In this time of year, after months of cold gray skies, I’m desperate for sunshine. How about you? Does your body, soul and spirit long for the refreshing brightness from the sun?
Just as I crave the glow from the sun in the middle of a dark and dreary Minnesota Winter, I thirst for the true glow from Heaven - Jesus. When my heart starts to harden, or my spirit becomes dry, or my mind becomes depleted, I need to be filled again with the Word of God, time of listening to my Father, and communing with Jesus. Are you more susceptible to the schemes and lies of the enemy during times away from God? Where do you go and what do you do to refuel? Selah.
Have you ever met anyone who has Heaven’s Glow? They just seem to radiate the love of God in any situation. Without asking, I know they have spent time with God and are resting in His love and care. I can sure tell when I have had quality time with God and when I have not. There is a vast difference in my life.
I pray we all find our refreshment today in God’s love, especially in this season of restoration. What a wonderful day to use the creative pages in the journal and let your inner child have fun. I pray joy and peace for you as you let your Heavenly Glow shine today!
Shine Jesus Shine - Maranatha Music
Love and Blessings,