Day 8 "Yet You Wear Humility"
Good Morning Beauties!
Today we’re looking at the our humility, which seems in contrast to the strength of our majesty from yesterday. But is it really so different? Humility, true humility is possessing great strength and keeping it under control, much like meekness.
Jesus is our perfect example of pure humility. During this season of Easter, it’s timely to think of all He went through prior to His resurrection. The movie, The Passion of The Christ, brilliantly depicts His example for us. It may have been the biggest revelation for me from the entire movie - He didn’t say a word.
Through the taunting of the soldiers, the humiliation, the cruel scourging, the anguish of carrying His own cross, the nails driven into His hands and feet - He didn’t say a word. We all know He could have called for a legion of angles to rescue Him at any point, but he remained silent. He is God, He is all powerful, He is all knowing, and yet - nothing.
And when he did finally speak - the most humble thing ever. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) He thought of us first and himself last. What a picture He gave us!
Are you like me and are thinking, “Yeah, but he’s God. I’m not capable of that kind of sacrifice and humility.” But please remember that Jesus was fully man as well as fully God, and His willingness to follow His Father’s will and to love others came from Jesus, Son of Man. Also remember, that He lives in you! The power of the Holy Spirit, that raised Christ from the dead resides in you. (Romans 8:11)
How does Jesus’ example make you think of your own humility? What is God revealing to you? What is He asking you to do from that humble place? Selah.
Love and Blessings,