Day 16 "You Are Royalty"

Hesitant Royalty Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash

Hesitant Royalty
Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

I’m excited to delve into our the attribute of ROYALTY. In a day where it’s popular to explore family history and where we come from, I welcome the truth about our true bloodline - Jesus Christ. The Bible confirms, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 English Standard Version. Do you believe anything different than your true royal status? Selah.

I like the photo above because it depicts the reality of most women I know. We hold our crown in our hands with our heads held low. I think this photo shows how we may know of our status through Christ, but do not fully believe it enough to actually raise our head, put on the crown and walk in the freedom it brings.

Do you wear your crown, believing you are a member of The Royal Family? Do you think you are unworthy to wear it? Take a few minutes to write down your answers. Selah.

Here’s a song to remind us of God’s goodness.

King of My Heart - Kutless

Love and Blessings,

May your priests, Lord God, be clothed with salvation, may your faithful people rejoice in your goodness.
— 2 Chronicles 6:41 New International Version
Kendra Brown