Preparation Day 1
Good Morning Beauties!
We are about to embark on a beautiful adventure. If you're here, it's because you want to grow deeper in your relationship with God. The journey will be different for everyone. It may be difficult, but you can complete the journey as God strengthens you.
As we approach our journey in this Easter season of transportation and renewal, I encourage you to pray and think about your expectations. What do you hope to accomplish? What area of your life do you need to open up to God and let Him speak Truth to your soul?
On a practical side, please read the introduction of your journal. You will find helpful information to allow for the best experience. Get to know your journal, flip through it and see how it's organized.
I'm looking forward to walking through the 40 days with you. Hopefully, you will find my daily posts encouraging, motivating, and keeping you on track. If at anytime you would like to chat separate from this page, please email me at
Have a beautiful day as you prepare for your 40 Day Journey.
Love & Blessings,