Day 2 "Daughter of The King"

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Good Morning Beauties! 

Please spend good quality time with God and your journal today. Psychologically, the bond between fathers and their daughters is key to our self worth and confidence. Many fathers don't know how to be fathers, so there is some damage in this area. Some of our root issues are derived from this relationship.

If you are blessed to have / had a wonderful and loving father, just think what's it's like to have a perfect father, Abba Father! Off the charts fabulous!! If your father, here on Earth was not the loving and kind father you deserved, I'm sorry. Abba Father is your True Father, and He loves you very much. He is able to meet every need that was not met by your father.

Psalm 45:10-11 says, "Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear: Forget your people and your father's house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord."

in context, He is asking the bride to forget her family, and now serve the Lord. Jesus often asked His followers to leave their family and their previous life to follow Him. Isn't He asking the same of us? What would that mean for you?

Oh, and did you catch it? He is ENTHRALLED by our beauty!

Be still before Him, and let Him speak Truth over you, pour healing balm into open wounds, and be who you need Him to be.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown