Hello Beauties!
We begin the second half of our journey today. I’m so glad you are here, pursuing God with me, and am confident of the blessing you will receive by doing so.
As complicated as the whole idea of “Righteousness” is, it’s also quite simple. If you believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, you have “right standing” with God and will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Look at the scripture that tells us this Truth. “We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.” Romans 3:22 - New Living Translation.
So, what are the lies saying in direct contrast with this Truth? “You have to earn your way into Heaven.” “You’ve messed up too much, and there’s no repair.” “You’re not good enough to ever be considered righteous.”
There is a plethora of lies that prevent people from believing Christ did all the work on the cross. The lies say we must earn our righteousness. What lies do you believe? Selah. I pray God reveals them to you today and that He takes away any burden preventing you from the freedom of your right standing with God.
Isaiah 61:1-3 is one of my absolute favorite scriptures in the Bible. It describes the beautiful work of Jesus. He came to set us free, repair the damage, give us new life - all for a purpose. We are to stand as healthy and sturdy Oaks of Righteousness so everyone can see His splendor. We stand firm in our righteousness by the redeeming work on the cross of Christ.
The testimony of your life brings God glory. What do others see when they spend time with you? Do they see the peace and love of Jesus, or do they see someone who’s stressed out and striving to do all the right things? The gift of grace allows us to walk in the love of Jesus and bless everyone we come into contact with. Think about all the opportunities we have to share our story with people who are desperate for the hope found in Jesus. Selah.
Love and Blessings,