Day 5 "Yes, You Are Beautiful"

Yes and Amen

Good Morning Beauties!

I heard something this morning that stopped me in my tracks. “The enemy of my peace is my insistence on perfection.” Wow! Now that is truth, my friends.

What does peace have to do with beauty? Have you ever noticed when you stop to see something beautiful, for that quiet few seconds or minutes, you are at peace. Your focus is turned from the things of this world, and you are peaceful as you gaze upon the beauty of what captured your attention. It can be something in nature, an artist’s performance, a baby’s smile. What about the beauty of things we hear? A cardinal’s morning song, a choir singing your favorite hymn, a child’s laugh.

What does peace have to do with beauty? Selah.

I pray Jesus captures your attention today as you take time to let his beauty bring you peace.

Jesus, You Are Beautiful - CeCe Winans

Love and Blessings,

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
— Isaiah 26:3 New International Version