Day 20 "And You Are Beautiful"
Beauty of the Faithful
Photo by Celeste Mc on Unsplash
Good Morning Beauties!
Congratulations! You're half way through your journey. What an accomplishment. Your sacrifice and action plan are working. Beautiful!
Today I ask, "Are you ready to take action on the revelation God has shown you?" We've all heard, "Faith without works is dead," so today I encourage you to run and jump with abandon into your faith and belief about the Truth God has shown you so far in your journey.
What does that look like? Here are a few examples from my previous and current journey experiences: God revealed in my very first journey my value to Him. He gave me a new name, "Segullah," which means, "Treasured Possession." I had a bracelet made with Segullah on it, and now wear it every day. In another journey He taught me I'm lovely, feminine and soft. With this new Truth, I redecorated my office from blues and browns to a very girly pink, white and gold color pallet. I literally feel like a princess when I walk into the room.
In my current journey, I was moved by Day 14. As I recounted the memory of making a choice each and every morning of turning right to spend time with Jesus through worship and reading my Bible, or turning left and being filled with the darkness of he world, I found myself needing to make the same decision now. It’s so easy to grab my phone and check social media, the weather and road conditions, and email before even getting out of bed. That choice let’s the darkness in before I’ve put one foot on the floor. I must make the wise choice every morning to spring out of bed and run to my Bible and meet with Jesus. Faith allows me to make the right choice knowing with certainty that Jesus is waiting for my arrival, and I’ll be filled up with the Spirit once again.
What about you? What has God revealed to you so far in your journey? How will you put your faith of this new Truth into action? Selah.
Let’s celebrate your journey today and praise God for his faithfulness!
Faithful - Elevation Worship
Love and Blessings,
“What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.”