Day 3 "Daughter of the King"
Good Morning Beauties!
Are you wondering what is going on? Are you a little confused at the last two day’s lyrics? Please forgive me! I’ve never mixed up the lyrics on all the other journeys; therefore, I blame it on the flu. (Insert smiley face here.) Today we’ll look at Day 2’s lyrics, and tomorrow we’ll be back on track with Day 4.
What do you think when you see the term, daughter of the king? Do you picture a princess? So how is it different when you see Daughter of The King? The capitalization changes the meaning. Beauty, you have a position of much worth - you are the Daughter of The King of all Kings.
Psychologists say that girls develop their identity, security, and self confidence from their fathers. I agree! Our earthly fathers can provide some of it, but we must turn to our Heavenly Father for absolute truth of who we are. God is our ultimate security where we can place our trust. In His perfect love we find our confidence, peace and joy.
I encourage you to spend good quality time with God today. If you need reassurance in any area of your life, invite Him into it. He will erase the lies you’re believing and tell you the Truth. Give Him just one thing today, and see what He will do for you. Trust Him. Selah.
Love and Blessings,