Day 4 "You Are Beautiful"
Good Morning Beauties!
Beauty. The dictionary defines it as, “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
So, you’ve now heard what says about beauty, but what do you believe about it? Take a moment to write down your own definition. Do you believe you meet your own definition? If not, where do you fall short? Consider using a page in your journal to write down two columns, “where I am beautiful” and “where I am not beautiful.” What does your current belief system say about your beauty? Selah.
It is helpful to know what we currently believe and what God says as Truth. I love the different versions of Ephesians 2:10. In one version we are called God’s Masterpiece. WOW! Do you feel valued and adored as any great masterpiece is? If that seems foreign or uncomfortable to you, then look closely into your heart. Why? Open up and let God speak to you. Selah.
Love and Blessings,