Day 2 "Loved Above All Things"

Our life’s journey will take us to the depths of the valley and up to the mountain top; peace comes in knowing God is with us the entire time.

Our life’s journey will take us to the depths of the valley and up to the mountain top; peace comes in knowing God is with us the entire time.

Good Morning Beauties!

Please accept my apology for the delay. The nasty flu bug caught up with me this week, and I’m moving pretty slow this morning. Despite how I feel physically, I’m excited to be with God and with you as we continue on our journey.

“Loved above all things.” What does that mean to you? What feeling do you get when you hear that lyric in the song? It feels amazing to me! Despite the low points in my life and my sin, God loves me. Compared to the most beautiful sunset, magnificent mountain range, delicate rose, He loves me more…above ALL things!

God’s perfect love came down from Heaven, died on a cross for us, and gave us victory over death. He loves us that much! Can you grasp it? Is it something you can comprehend? Selah.

Nobody Loves Me Like You - Chris Tomlin

Love and Blessings,

But Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!
— Romans 5:8 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown