Day 32 "Darkness Turned To Light"

Beauty of Light

Good Morning Beauties!

You are chosen! You are called! On the playground of life, when teams were chosen, God spoke your name. Do you live this truth? Let’s see what God has said about it in His Word.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

Please read this important truth a few times until you sense a shift in your thinking. God has chosen you. It’s no mistake you are seeking Him today. He wants nothing more than to rescue you out of all the darkness and set you apart in His “wonderful light.” What is the Spirit whispering to your heart about this truth? Selah.

He brings us out of the destruction the enemy created into a life of abundance and freedom. We are no longer slaves to the lies and death of our foe. We have been given eternal life with the Father of Lights.

The question now becomes, what will you do with your life of freedom? The scripture in 1 Peter says, “…that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” How will you declare His praises? How will you tell of His great love and all He’s done for you? Selah.

Sing of Your Great Love - Darlene Zschech

Love and Blessings,

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!
— Ephesians 5:8 New Living Translation
Day 31 "You Are Purity"

Pure Radiance

Good Morning Beauties!

We have only 10 days left in our journey together.  Can you believe it?  I pray that you will dig deep and release the lies living in your heart during the next 2 attributes.  Freedom lives in the truth of who you really are.  

Today, let's look at two words the enemy uses to prevent us from knowing the freedom of our purity.  These words are guilt and shame.  Do you know them?  Do you live with them?  I'm convinced most women are well acquainted with guilt and shame, and their greatness is hindered because of it.

Guilt is the feeling of having done something wrong, not meeting expectations of others.  The enemy uses this feeling to bind us and keep us immobile.  What about when we do not meet the expectations of God?  Isn't there guilt?  No.  The Holy Spirit will bring conviction of doing the wrong thing, which allows us the opportunity to repent and ask to be forgiven.  This process moves us forward in freedom of knowing we are going to make mistakes, but God still loves us. What areas of your life are you needing to repent? Selah.

Guilt is the feeling of having done something bad, and shame is the feeling of being a bad person. It's a difference of our doing and are being.  Often times, the feeling of guilt will proceed into a feeling of shame.  The enemy makes it difficult to separate the two and destroys our self confidence.  The Truth is, there is a difference between our "do" and our "who."  We are not bad people, we are people who do bad things.  

Sometimes we carry shame that belongs to someone else.  I think this situation is the most difficult.  We may carry it for years and years and truly believe that we are of no value just because someone else didn't value us.  We may even act out of that shameful place and add guilt to our already broken heart.  This behavior then becomes a cycle of adding shame, bad behavior, adding shame.  The enemy is such a destroyer of our self image, and he will use others to help his cause.   Are you carrying shame of another person? Selah.

So, how do we rid ourselves of this cycle of destruction?  We must keep our eyes focused on Christ and on His Truth.  The Bible tells us, "When someone becomes a Christian, (s)he becomes a brand new person inside. (S)he is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!"  2 Corinthians 5:17  The Living Bible.  You are no longer the person of your past.  You are made brand new when you accept Jesus!  Brand spanking new!!

What things live in your heart that say, "You're a bad person"?  Bring those lies to God today so He can tell you the truth. Selah.

But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ.”
Ephesians 2:13 (NIV)

I Am Clean - Natalie Grant

Love and Blessings,

Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
— Psalm 34:5 New International Version
Day 30 "And You Are Beautiful"

Beauty of The Cross

Good Morning Beauties!

There is extraordinary beauty in pain. The cross is a perfect example. Though the torture device itself is nothing short of horrific, the revealed blessing of salvation is indeed beautiful.

What are you still hiding in your heart you believe is too ugly to let anyone see? What secrets are you hiding behind your mask? If you look back at the previous 29 days, you will see how God has been revealing your true beauty. Do you see it? Will you allow Him to continue His work? Selah.

The cross shows us something magnificent can come from an agonizing experience. Will you allow yourself to look at painful places and see God’s transformation to absolute beauty? Selah.

Be encouraged Beauties! Real life transformation allows us to leave the pain behind and exchange it for the abundant life Jesus died to give us. Will life be trouble free? No. We are told we will still have trouble, but we now can move forward in the strength of Jesus, for His glory.

Let’s celebrate, with grateful hearts, the life transformation possible through the beautiful Cross of Christ.
Beauty Of The Cross - Jonny Diaz

Love and Blessings,

In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
— 1 Peter 5:10 The Living Bible
Day 29 "You Are Redeemed"

Shouts of Praise of the Redeemed

Happy Lord’s Day Beauties!

With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed. In your might, you guide them to your sacred home.”
Exodus 15:13 (NLT)

The blessing of our redemption goes beyond Jesus paying the debt we owed with His precious blood. He also dwells with us, loves us with His unfailing love, leads us, and guides us to His very throne room. Do you see all the action sowed into our lives from Jesus? Selah.

Jesus is calling us to action. He provided the perfect example of being led by the Father and following all that was asked of Him with great humility. Beauties, we too are being called to take action. The redeemed are not to remain silent, but to shout from the rooftops all Jesus is and how His resurrection power has transformed our lives. How can we remain silent? Selah.

In your time with Him today, pray the Holy Spirit would reveal how your story, with all the broken pieces, is to be used to benefit others. Consider hand writing your story in your journal. Where has Jesus taken you from and where has He taken you to? Who needs to hear your victory story? Selah.

Beauties, let’s do a little shouting today as we praise our beautiful redeemer.
We The Redeemed - Hillsong

Love and Blessings,

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.
— Psalm 107:1-2 New Living Translation
Day 28 "For You The Savior Died"

Perfect Love Revealed

Good Morning Beauties!

Today’s lyric is profound and life changing when we believe this truth in our hearts. At times it’s easier to believe Jesus died to save “the world” than it is to bring it down to a personal level and ponder the fact He died for “me.” The Truth is, He did die for me and for you.

I think it’s important to know the motivation that sent Jesus to die an unspeakable death is God’s Love for us - a Love that is difficult to fathom. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

I also think it’s just as important to realize and see what Jesus actually did for us. “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:4-5 (NIV)

If you’ve been on this 40 Day Journey with me before, you know what comes next. I can think of no better depiction of the sufferings of Christ than “The Passion of the Christ” movie. Below you will find a song I’ve loved since I first heard it in high school appropriately called “The Day He Wore My Crown” by Sandi Patty. Somehow, these two wonderful pieces of art have been combined to create an incredibly moving and meaningful experience.

It will be difficult to watch, but I encourage you to watch anyway, knowing truth and revelation await you. Truth of what Jesus did for you, and revelation of God’s perfect love for you. Selah.

The Day He Wore My Crown - Sandi Patty (Jesus of Nazereth & The Passion of the Christ version)

Love and Blessings,

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
— John 3:16 New International Version
Day 27 "The Lamb Was Crucified"

The Perfect Sacrifice

Good Morning Beauties!

Jesus Christ, The Perfect Lamb was slain, was crucified for you, me, everyone. The beautiful description of how all of Heaven will honor and worship Him is found in Revelation 5:6-14.

6 “Then I saw a young Lamb standing in the middle of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders. He appeared to have been slaughtered but was now alive!  He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out to the ends of the earth.

7 I saw the young Lamb approach the throne and receive the scroll from the right hand of the one who sat there. 8 And when the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures saw the Lamb had taken the scroll, they fell facedown at the feet of the Lamb and worshiped him. Each of them had a harp and golden bowls brimming full of sweet fragrant incense—which are the prayers of God’s holy lovers. 9 And they were all singing this new song of praise to the Lamb:

“Because you were slaughtered for us, you are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals. Your blood was the price paid to redeem us. You purchased us to bring us to God out of every tribe, language, people group, and nation. 10 You have chosen us to serve our God and formed us into a kingdom of priests who reign on the earth.”

Angelic Worship of the Lamb

11 Then I looked, and I heard the voices of myriads of angels in circles around the throne, as well as the voices of the living creatures and the elders—myriads and myriads. 12 And as I watched, all of them were singing with thunderous voices:

“Worthy is Christ the Lamb who was slaughtered to receive great power and might, wealth and wisdom, and honor, glory, and praise!”

13 Then every living being joined the angelic choir. Every creature in heaven and on earth, under the earth, in the sea, and everything in them, were worshiping with one voice, saying:

“Praise, honor, glory, and dominion be to God-Enthroned and to Christ the Lamb forever and ever!”
14 Then the four living creatures responded: “Amen!” And the twenty-four elders threw themselves facedown to the ground and worshiped.”

Let’s take time to worship our Beautiful Jesus, the perfect lamb who was crucified.

Worthy Is The Lamb - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Is He Worthy - Chris Tomlin

Love and Blessings,

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’
— John 1:29 New International Version
Day 26 "You Are Redeemed"

Redeemed by His Blood

Good Morning Beauties!

These next few days are incredibly important and personal between you and Jesus....I pray that you will make extra time to meet with Him, open your heart wide, and soak in the Truth that is waiting for you. This attribute of being redeemed, is life changing, so please slow down and listen.

The Garden of Eden was a beautiful place where God dwelled with man, but it didn’t stay that way. When sin entered the Garden through the enemy, the Bible calls it the Fall. We became separated from God, because He is Holy and can not dwell with sin. God loves us so much and desires nothing more than to be in relationship with us, so He created a way to be united once again. That way has a name, and that name is Jesus.

Let’s look at the word redeemed, "the purchase back of something that had been lost, by the payment of a ransom." The payment for our very souls is the precious blood of Jesus. God sent His Son to pay the price to be united with His children once again.

Do you see the greatest example of Love? The Bible says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 New International Version

What is God speaking to you about Redemption? His Son, Jesus? Your need of a Savior? His Love for you? Selah.

Precious Blood - Bethel Music

Love and Blessings,

But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.
— Isaiah 43:1 The Living Bible
Day 25 "And You Are Beautiful"

The King Sings Over His Bride

Good Morning Beauties!

Today, I sense we all need to slow down just a bit and truly hear the truths being sung over us through the “You Are Beautiful” song. As you listen, think about all the lies that have been uncovered and replaced by His truth. On the verses we have not covered yet, please join me in prayer for what our faithful and loving Father will reveal to us still to come on our journey.

You Are Beautiful

Love and Blessings,

For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you with great gladness; he will love you and not accuse you.” Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is the Lord himself exulting over you in happy song.
— Zephaniah 3:17-18 The Living Bible
Day 24 "You Are Righteous"

Righteousness Brings Hope

Good Morning Beauties!

It’s so good to be with you today! Your devotion to Jesus and dedication to your journey are inspiring. Keep going! Jesus has so much more in store for you.

The word hope is in my spirit this morning. When I look at my right standing with God and reflect on the gifts of salvation, sanctification, forgiveness, and justification - my heart is flooded with hope! Jesus completed the work at the cross. All I need is found in Him. He is trustworthy, and I have placed my hope in Him. Hallelujah!

“In his name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21 (NIV)

Will you place your hope in Jesus today? Whatever may be causing you to struggle, whatever is causing anxiety, will you release it into the hands of the Almighty God who created Heaven and Earth? Create a list in your journal, and hand them over, one by one. Selah.

Precious Jesus, we are so thankful You have provided hope for every situation in all our lives. You are the God of Hope.

My Hope - HIllsong

Love and Blessings,

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
— Romans 15:13 New International Version
Day 23 "Forgiven, Justified"

Heavenly Forgiveness

Good Morning Beauties!

To be forgiven - it’s a difficult concept to wrap our head around. It’s even harder at times to receive a complete pardon. Why? Is it because of conditional worldly standards? Did someone withhold forgiveness from you? Selah.

To be justified - perhaps we should look at the definition. “In Christian theology, justification is God's righteous act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while, at the same time, declaring the ungodly to be righteous through faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice.”

The enemy uses guilt and shame to keep us from receiving the gift of forgiveness and justification. Always remember John 10:10, “The enemy came ONLY to steal, kill, and destroy…” It’s all he can do. Has he stolen your peace and ability to believe your sins, all of them, have been erased, washed clean, completely forgotten? Selah.

Let’s look at truth. You ARE forgiven. You ARE justified. Here’s what the Word of God says, For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us..” Psalm 103:12 (NIV) Journal about this truth. Selah.

Will you receive His gift of forgiveness today? The work has already been done on the cross. Will you open your heart and show Jesus every part and accept the fact, the truth, He sees your sin and still loves and forgives you? Selah.

Forgiven - David Crowder

Love and Blessings,

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.
— Romans 8:1-2 New International Version
Day 22 "Saved And Sanctified"

A Beautiful Rescue

Happy Lord’s Day Beauties!

The work is done and being done.

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT)

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has brought you the gift of salvation, you need only to receive it. There’s nothing you could ever do to earn this beautiful gift. The work was done on the cross. Let that truth flood your soul. Do you feel a sense of relief? Peace? Joy? Selah.

“But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:11 (NLT)

Sanctification is God's will for our lives and soul. It is the process of becoming more like Christ, by purifying our hearts and minds, through repentance, prayer, and spiritual practices. Throughout the Bible, sanctification is mentioned frequently as a calling to align ourselves with God's will and cleanse ourselves from sin. Remember, we can do nothing without Him. In sanctification, the Holy Spirit works in us so we can be obedient to being conformed to the image of Christ. Pray for the Spirit to reveal where you’re going it alone, and where you need to turn over your sanctification to Him. Selah.

Today’s a great day to thank Jesus for His beautiful rescue.
Came to My Rescue - Hillsong UNITED

Love and Blessings,

In your distress you called and I rescued you,
— Psalm 81:7 New International Version
Day 21 "You Are Righteous"

Judged Righteous

Good Morning Beauties!

“Righteous” is our next attribute. Sometimes I find this one the hardest to fully believe. I still find myself trying to earn the favor of the Lord. How about you? Are you still striving to be good enough? Selah.

“You’re not good enough.” These four little words have been used by the enemy as one of his favorite weapons. Our dreams, self esteem, and confidence have all been assaulted by these words. What does that look like for you? Where has the enemy lied to you? What areas of your life have been damaged? Selah.

Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.” Romans 5:1 (NLT)

On the Day of Judgement, you will be found righteous! How does this truth change your world? If you truly believe you have made right with God, through Christ Jesus, and don’t have to pay for your sins, how do you feel? How does this truth effect your striving to be good enough? Selah.

Let’s thank Jesus for all He’s done to bring us into our right standing with Father God. Worship Him as the one who has declared, “you are good enough.”

Good Enough - Teresa J

Love and Blessings,

But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
— 2 Corinthians 12:9 New International Version
Day 20 "And You Are Beautiful"

Courage with the King

Good Morning Beauties!

Day 20! We’re halfway through our journeys. I’m so happy you’re still here, pursuing God and a deeper relationship with Jesus as The Spirit is uncovering lies and revealing truth about who you really are in Him. Hallelujah!

I invite you to look back and see all the ways you have grown in the Lord these past 20 days. What have you learned about your beauty? Loveliness?Joyfulness? Royal Status? Journal the highlights and give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His love and faithfulness. Selah.

By this time, about 30% of the women who started the journey have stopped. This fact always makes me sad, because I know God had even more for their personal growth and healing. You are brave and courageous to continue this journey you’re on. Please take a moment to recognize your accomplishment in continuing with Jesus on this glorious journey He has for you. Selah.

Brave - Nichole Nordeman

Love and Blessings,

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
— 2 Chronicles 28:20 New International Version
Day 19 "You Are Royalty"

You’ve Been Chosen

Good Morning Beauties!

On this fourth day of looking at our royal status with God, He’s shown me another difference between the physical and spiritual world. Royalty on Earth at times are elected. We, my beauties, have been selected into our Royal Family. We have been chosen by the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

Google defines chosen as, “having been selected as the best or most appropriate..” WOW! You’ve been selected by God as BEST for His family. God has set you apart from the world to be true royalty.

What does “chosen” mean to you? Can you reflect on times when you were chosen and how it made you feel? What about a time when you were not chosen? What did that situation feel like? How did the enemy use that situation to harm you? Will you allow God’s truth of how He chose you to heal any wounds inflicted by the enemy? Selah.

Chosen - Kathryn Scott

Love and Blessings,

For many are invited, but few are chosen.
— Matthew 22:14 New International Version
Day 18 "Heaven's Glow From You Abounds"

The Glow of Glory

Good Morning Beauties!

Have you ever known someone who “lights up the room” simply by walking into it? Their warm and inviting and sometimes exuberant personality puts everyone at ease and makes the crowd instantly feel better. How about the girlfriend who has fallen in love and is “floating on cloud nine”? We lean in and listen as she excitedly describes the romantic gesture her boyfriend displayed on last night’s date. We can’t forget the expectant mother who is about to burst and yet smiling from ear to ear in anticipation of seeing her child for the first time. These women “GLOW.”

We are naturally drawn to the light. Jesus is the one and true Light of the World. We can’t resist His perfect love! It’s this love that found us, saved us, transformed us, and gave us new life. Is your heart yearning for Him today? Are you wanting to bow in His presence and praise Him?

Just as Moses’s face glowed when he returned from spending 40 days with God, we light up from being in His presence as well. Can’t you just tell when someone spends time with Jesus? They glow with confidence, peace, love, kindness, gentleness, basically the fruit of the Spirit.

Will you join me in praying for our lights to shine in the darkness so we may, with the power of the Holy Spirit, draw others to our personal savior, Jesus. Selah.

Glow - Hillsong

Love and Blessings,

He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
— Psalm 37:6 New Living Translation
Day 17 "You Wear The Victor's Crown"

Victim to Victor

Good Morning Beauties!

“You can be a victim or a victor, but you can’t be both.” I believe I first heard this statement from Joyce Meyer, and it got my attention. Whether she originated the phrase or not, I believe it to be true.

A lot of our victim mentality comes from the lies of the enemy. He wants to destroy our confidence, and steal the truth about who we are in Christ. How has he made you feel like a victim? Write down areas in your life you want to turn to victory and lift them to the Lord in prayer for His help. Selah.

I know some who are reading this blog post have been truly victimized through abuse or violence, and it’s a fact not a feeling. Please believe me when I say you can have victory over these areas too. Jesus has won the battle and the war, and has defeated the enemy. Are you willing to go into those hard places and ask the Spirit to heal them once and for all? Selah.

We are co-heirs with Christ; therefore, we share His victory and also wear the victor’s crown. Let’s give Him all the honor and glory as we praise His name today.
Victor’s Crown - Darlene Zschech

Love and Blessings,

The victor’s crown of righteousness is now waiting for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on the day that he comes, and not only to me but also to all who eagerly wait for his appearing.
— 2 Timothy 4:8-10 International Standard Version
Day 16 "You Are Royalty"

Safe and Secure

Good Morning Beauties!

What a beautiful day to start our fourth attribute, Royalty. Does your mind first think of people, like Queen Elizabeth, or perhaps royal objects like castles, crowns, and jewels? These are definitely Earthly representations of royalty.

What if we shift our perspective to eternal things. What do you think of now? Selah.

When I contemplate my royal status in God’s family, I immediately think of how The King of Kings provides security through protection and provision. I don’t have to worry about these basic needs, because I know all my they are taken care of. I can simply live my life in freedom to pursue who my Father created me to be.

Let’s look at what the Bible says about this subject. “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV)

“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” Luke 12:24 (NIV)

These are just two of many verses in God’s Word that confirm our security in Jesus. Let go of any anxiety of the things that He’s already provided as a member of His Royal Family. You are FREE to be who He’s created.

Royalty - Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Love and Blessings,

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:19 New International Version
Day 15 "And You Are Beautiful"

Beautiful Change

Good Morning Beauties!

Gold and red leaves are now surrounded by sparkling white snowflakes. How quickly things can change. Though for most people change is difficult, let’s realize where it came from. God is ever changing us, from glory to glory, more into His likeness everyday. Change is hard, and change is good when it comes from God.

Take a look at your journal. Read your thoughts and beliefs on Day 1. What has changed in your mind and heart since that first day? Are you able to see change in your beliefs, feelings, thoughts? Is your relationship with Jesus growing? Take time today to journal about the changes you see in your journey so far, and let them motivate you to keep going strong. Selah.

Every Season - Nichole Nordeman

Love and Blessings,

He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.
— Acts 4:17 New International Version
Day 14 "You Are Joyful"

Joyful Rest

Good Morning Beauties!

When’s the last time you’ve been overwhelmed by the actual presence of Jesus? Do you know this sacred place? Do you run there often? What’s keeping you? Selah.

 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened [by religious rituals that provide no peace], and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation]. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (AMP)

In His presence we find His love, peace, sweet rest, and ultimately life transforming joy! Our glorious Savior and Friend wants nothing more than to exchange His easy yoke for your heavy burdens. Will you hand them over? Is your soul ready for His rest? Selah.

Spend some extended time today seeking Him and His presence. When you seek Him, you WILL find Him.
The More I Seek You - Kari Jobe

Love and Blessings,

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises.
— Romans 15:13 Amplified Bible
Day 13 "Grace Has Brought You Peace"

Peaceful Beauty

Good Morning Beauties!

The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Romans 16:20 (NIV) Thank you Lord Jesus for covering us from the enemy’s schemes and providing peace to our souls through Your amazing grace.

When we have an understanding of God’s grace, (His undeserved acceptance and favor) we will live in peace with ourselves and others. Let your mind reflect on God’s grace that saved you, redeemed you, and reconciled you to the Father. He loves you just the way you are, you don’t have to “clean up” for Him to love you.

If you think about the stress and strife in your life, what’s the root cause? Is it fear of not being good enough? Fear of rejection? Fear of financial security? Fearful memories of trauma? Jesus wants to crush these tormentors under His feet right along with the enemy who put them in your mind. Write them all down and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any that are hiding in your subconscious., and then pray for Jesus to uproot them from your soul and replace them with His peace. Selah.

Remember John 10:10, Jesus came to give you abundant life. This new life is one of grace and peace. Write a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus for bringing grace and peace to your life. Selah.

Grace Flows Down - Christy Nockels

Love and Blessings,

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
— Ephesians 2:8-9 New International Version