Day 20 "And You Are Beautiful"

Courage with the King

Good Morning Beauties!

Day 20! We’re halfway through our journeys. I’m so happy you’re still here, pursuing God and a deeper relationship with Jesus as The Spirit is uncovering lies and revealing truth about who you really are in Him. Hallelujah!

I invite you to look back and see all the ways you have grown in the Lord these past 20 days. What have you learned about your beauty? Loveliness?Joyfulness? Royal Status? Journal the highlights and give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His love and faithfulness. Selah.

By this time, about 30% of the women who started the journey have stopped. This fact always makes me sad, because I know God had even more for their personal growth and healing. You are brave and courageous to continue this journey you’re on. Please take a moment to recognize your accomplishment in continuing with Jesus on this glorious journey He has for you. Selah.

Brave - Nichole Nordeman

Love and Blessings,

Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
— 2 Chronicles 28:20 New International Version