Day 40 "And You Are Beautiful"
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Good Morning Beauties!

Congratulations!  You made it through your 40 Day Journey!  I am confident the Lord, in all his love and faithfulness, has transformed at least one thing in your life, perhaps many. Tomorrow we will come back for our Day Of Reflection over the entire 40 Day Journey, but for today, let's linger in the final lyric, "And You Are Beautiful."

After looking at all 8 attributes, how do you feel about your beauty?  Is there anything you need to turn over on this last day of your journey? What last bit does He want to speak to your heart today?  Selah.

On Day 40 of my very first journey, God revealed He is the True Beautiful One who simply reflects His Beauty through me.  You may be saying to yourself, "Of course!  This is a no-brainer," but the Truth traveled from my head to my heart, where I allowed it to resonate with my soul.  There is now a desire to be the Beautiful woman He created me to be for the purpose of showing the world HIS Beauty.  If we walk in the guilt and shame of the lies from the enemy, how will God receive His glory?  Just as the Father was revealed to us through Jesus, we have the amazing privilege of revealing Jesus to the world.  Hallelujah!

Take a moment to pause and worship the One who created you, loves you and has given you a purpose.  He is so worthy of our praise! 

Beautiful One - Tim Hughes

Love and Blessings, 


One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
— Psalm 27:4 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 39 "You Are A Child Of God"

Good Morning Beauties!

Do you feel Loved? Treasured? Are you beginning to believe the Truth about your position in Christ?  You ARE a Child of God!  

When you have attained the highest rank possible, (through Jesus' work on the cross) there is no need for comparison, envy, disunity.  The position brings peace, joy, and harmony between all people.  This life is what God has for you, for all of us.

Will you receive this glorious gift today?  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.
— Philippians 2:14-16 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 38 "Treasured By Our Lord"

Good Morning Beauties!

If you've ever felt pain from not being valued, I pray you allow this Truth to wash over you - God Treasures you!  What a fantastic word, Treasure.  Let's take a closer look.

Treasure - (noun) "A very valuable object" Valuable, Work of Art, Masterpiece, Precious.  

Treasure - (verb) "To keep carefully something valuable." Cherish, Hold Dear, Prize, Value Greatly, Adore, Love, Be Devoted To.

People will do many things for treasure.  They will seek after it day and night, go through hardships to find it, and are willing to die for it.  Once found, they will take the absolute best care of it, protect it from others, and will adore it with great satisfaction.  God does the same thing for you.  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
— Deuteronomy 7:6 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 37 "Beloved And So Adored"

Good Morning Beauties!

Do you know this Perfect Love of God?  It is the only way He loves, and it is life changing.

I longed for His love all my life, not knowing it was HIS love I was needing.  Looking to fill the huge hole in my heart through family, friends, and relationships, I could never find what I was looking for.  Then I looked for fulfillment through perfectionism, achievement, and success.  All of these sources left me feeling empty as well.  

Even though I was a Christian, I didn't know the True Love of God.  Oh, I believed in Jesus as my Savior, so I was going to Heaven, but I didn't know HIM and His Love.  My life was "saved" but hollow.  

During a Bible study of the Song of Solomon, Jesus and His Love became real to me.  I believed what I read about how He adored me.  I opened my heart wide and received the precious Love of Christ, and my life has never been the same!

What about you?  Can you pinpoint the moment you received the Love of Christ?  Are you a Christian, walking in salvation, but not His Love?  Selah.

Please take time to watch this video and let it bless you.   It's filled with real life stories about the life-changing Love of God. 

He Knows My Name - Francesca Battistelli

Love and Blessings ,


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
— 1 John 3:1 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 36 "You Are A Child Of God"
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Good Morning Beauties!

We have examined the seven attributes of who we are in Christ:  Beautiful, Lovely, Joyful, Royalty, Righteous, Redeemed, and Purity.  Today we reach the crest in our journey...we are Children of God.  No better title, not better position than to be The Father's Child.

First, we must understand that our Abba Father (Daddy) is not our Earthly father.  It is natural for our view of God to take on the attributes of the father we grew up with, but it's not the case.  if you look at each individual's father, you'll find they run the full spectrum from being absent or abusive to being the loving and kind father a girl admires.  As good as an Earthly father is, he is still flawed, he's human.  Abba Father is Perfect.  He is loving, protective, supportive, and so much more.  You will never be disappointed as you learn to Trust Him.

What lies of the enemy are holding you back from fully believing and receiving the goodness and love of The Father?  Listen as He speaks today.  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the right [the authority, the privilege] to become children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name.
— John 1:12 The Amplified Bible
Kendra Brown
Day 35 "And You Are Beautiful"

Good Morning Beauties!

As we wrap up our attribute of Purity, I encourage you to take a look at the connection between our Purity and our Intimacy with God.  That's what this journey experience is all about - growing deeper in our relationship with Him.  

I've found a beautiful study about this very subject, and think it's a nice way to conclude our time learning about Purity.  Grab your Bible and internet device, and open your heart for God's glorious Truth....

The Beauty of Purity

Love and Blessings, 


His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
— 2 Peter 1:3 New International Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 34 "You Are Purity"
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Good Morning Beauties!

As we go into the weekend, I pray you will have a little extra time to sit with God and let Him reveal Truth about your Purity.   In these next 2 days we can be set free from any unforgiveness of ourselves and others, move from darkness to light, and realize just how God truly sees us.

Today, He is showing me the rewards of Purity.  When we allow God to expose the lies causing us guilt and shame, we move through the dark places into His glorious light.  It's a journey, we have to go through it, not around it, but He's right there with us.  Lies also cause us great anxiety in our attempts to be perfect.  Once we receive the Truth and believe how God really sees us, we can move forward with confidence and boldness.  

God's Truth sets you free from the burden and weight of the enemy's lies.  You are Pure, and the reward for having a pure heart - you see more of God.  There is no "static" on the line, but only open and free flowing communication between you and God.  Beautiful!

Will you join me in prayer today as we pray these words of King David, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

Love and Blessings, 


What bliss you experience when your heart is pure! For then your eyes will open to see more and more of God.
— Matthew 5:8 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 33 "Perfect In His Sight"
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Good Morning Beauties!

How does this Truth make you feel?  To know that you are already perfect in the sight of God?  Does it help silence the lie that you're not good enough?  You have to try even harder?  You're not accepted and loved until you are perfect?  

I know so many perfectionists, including myself.  Most are highly successful because they have an internal drive to always be better than ever - trying to attain something that is unattainable...perfection.  

What will change for you believing that you are already perfect in God's sight? Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


O my love, you are altogether beautiful and fair.
There is no flaw nor blemish in you!
— Song of Solomon 4:7 The Amplified Bible
Kendra Brown
Day 32 "Darkness Turned To Light"

Good Morning Beauties!

I love today's lyric, "Darkness turned to light."  It's a perfect description of the transformative work of Jesus.  He looks at our deepest wounds, the ones we may not even be aware of, and brings light to them and heals them.  

What about you?  Will you allow God to bring light to those wounds that are buried in deep places?  Selah.

Once freed from the power of the lie causing the wound, you can boldly go into the world to proclaim His goodness and share the Truth with others.  Again I say, with blessing comes action.  We are not blessed to remain blessed, it is for the purpose of sharing. If we take a look at Paul's vision on the road to Damascus, here is a portion of what Jesus told him, "I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me." (Acts 26:17-18  NIV)

Like Paul, we've been given the opportunity to walk in the light to bring Truth to others, but we must first work through any darkness.  Are you willing to do the work?  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


He reveals the deep things of darkness, and brings utter darkness into the light.
— Job 12:22 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 31 "You Are Purity"
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Good Morning Beauties!

Congratulations!  You have come so far in your journey; only 10 days left.  These last 2 stanzas in the song are packed with Truth about your True identity in Christ.  Keep up the stamina and desire to receive all God has for you through this journey experience.  

How do you feel about the word "Purity"?  What comes to mind?  Do you think it's too late to consider yourself Pure?  Have you done too many things you think will keep you from claiming this attribute?  My answer was yes for many many years, until God spoke Truth to me.  Nothing is too great for God to forgive, and nothing can separate us from His Love.  

King David was known as "a man after God's own heart," yet he committed adultery and murder.  In Psalm 51, David is found repentant and asking God's forgiveness.  He knows God alone can change his wicked ways, and asks God to purify his heart.  Despite David's obvious sins, God saw his heart and forgave him. 

What do you need to release today?  What keeps you from believing in your purity?  Are you brave like David when he asks the Lord, "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  (Psalm 139:23-24 NIV)  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


Create a new, clean heart within me. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you
— Psalm 51:10 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 30 "And You Are Beautiful"
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Good Morning Beauties!

Today, as you reflect on the Truth you are Redeemed by Jesus Christ, what have you learned these past few days?  What has God revealed to you about any lies you  believe? How has He replaced these lies with His Truth?

For the longest time, I saw The Cross as a torture device and where Jesus suffered, but The Lord has allowed me to see The Cross with a different perspective. I now see The Cross as Beautiful. Do you see it? 

The Cross did not destroy Jesus, it was part of His journey that led to the fulfillment of His purpose.  What are the difficult things in your life that, when viewed with a different perspective, become beautiful?  It is usually these trials and "torture devices" that build our character and drive us closer to fulfilling the very reason God created us.  Will you choose a different perspective today?  Selah.

The Beauty of The Cross - Jonny Diaz

Love and Blessings, 


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them...
— Genesis 1:27 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 29 "You Are Redeemed"
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Good Morning Beauties!

We are  redeemed. Hallelujah!  Jesus paid the ransom to set us free from the enemy.  We've been looking at this Truth for the past 3 days. Has this Truth found it's way to your heart?

Again, I ask the question, "so what?" What will we do with our freedom?  What action will you take? Did Jesus rescue us to live a happy life?  Go to church on Sunday, be nice to people along the way?  

I think He wants more from us.  He has set us free to fulfill our purpose.  We are all called to share the Good News of Christ, and in this calling, we help others to realize they have a God-given purpose as well.  We are His modern day disciples.  How can we help it? After all He's done for us, how can we be silent?  Will you join me in shouting from the rooftops?

What is God saying about your purpose?  Selah.

Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So - Israel Houghton

Love and Blessings, 


Let the redeemed of the Lord say so;
whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,
— Psalm 107:2 New King James Version
Kendra Brown
Day 28 "For You The Savior Died"

Good Morning Beauties!

On this Lord's Day, I pray you come to know Christ, your Savior more than ever before.  To fully grasp what He did for you in order to reconcile you back to The Father.  The humiliation, torture and agonizing death were all worth it to save you, to heal you, and to spend eternity with you. His love for you is endless.  All He wants is YOU....the imperfect you.

I encourage you to read Isaiah 53 and meditate on the Truth of what Jesus lived and died for...YOU.  Below is a video as this scripture is beautifully read from the Message Bible - so moving.  

Isaiah 53

At The Cross - Chris Tomlin

Love and Blessings, 


For this is how much God loved the world—He gave His one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life.
— John 3:16 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 27 "The Lamb Was Crucified"

Good Morning Beauties!

Did you notice a shift in the song lyric today?  The emphasis is on what Jesus did for us instead of who we are in Christ.  It's important we make the shift, because it is only by what Jesus did for us that we are who we are.  Selah.

Please take time to meditate on His sacrifice and to worship your Savior.  Meet Him in that sweet sacred place of His presence.  "Yet I know that you are most holy; it’s indisputable. You are God-Enthroned, surrounded with songs, living among the shouts of praise of your princely people." Psalm 22:3  

Worthy is the Lamb - Hillsong

For you know that your lives were ransomed once and for all from the empty and futile way of life handed down from generation to generation. It was not a ransom payment of silver and gold, which eventually perishes, but the precious blood of Christ—who like a spotless, unblemished lamb was sacrificed for us.
— 1 Peter 1:18-19
Kendra Brown
Day 26 "You Are Redeemed"
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Good Morning Beauties!

Redemption.....such a beautiful gift from Jesus.  No longer that little girl held captive by lies of the enemy, trapped in deceptive self doubt.  We have been set free.  Jesus says it's okay to come out into the world as a forgiven, beautiful woman.  As we open our hearts to the full Truth of God's redeeming work through Jesus, I pray we can grasp the marvelous freedom we've been given.

Redeemed, "Having been set free by a paid ransom."  We have been set free from sin, from shame, from eternal damnation, from struggle, from strife, from the power of death...all paid for by Jesus' precious blood. Selah.

I pray you take time this week to spend time with God and hear all Jesus has done for you - not out of obligation, not for everyone else - He did it for you because of His great love for you.

Below you will find a Biblical word study on Redemption and a beautiful song to worship God.  I pray they are a blessing to you.

Study - "What is the Meaning of Christian Redemption"

Song - "I am Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave

Love and Blessings, 


Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace.
— Ephesians 1:7 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 25 "And You Are Beautiful"

Good Morning Beauties!

Ahhhh, the absolute Beauty of Righteousness.  Look in a mirror and tell yourself you are completely accepted and loved by God.  Do you see the anxiety and stress leave your face. Do you see the change?  

If you read Isaiah 61:1-3, you will see Jesus came to change lives.  These verses give us a beautiful picture of the amazing change from our old life to our new glorious life in Christ. The vivid pictures speak of the "instead ofs."  "To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."

Jesus came to change what?  Meaning, what is the reason behind it all?  Why did He come to change lives?  He could have come, given us salvation, and left us in our current state of being until we reached Heaven, at which time we'd be set free and live gloriously for eternity.  Do you know some people believe just that?  

Let's look at John 10:10 again...."The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]."  Jesus provides a beautiful life here on Earth - we don't have to wait!

So I return to my question; so what?  We discover the answer if we keep reading in Isaiah, "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."  Our miraculously changed lives are on display for the world to see, so people will know and believe in the transformation power of Jesus as Lord and Savior.  

We are a walking advertisement for Jesus.  People pay attention when we identify ourselves as a Christian.  They want to see how we respond in difficult situations, not to judge us, but to see if Jesus is real and can truly change a life.  

What do you need to turn over to God today?  Once and for all, turn it over and be truly changed?  The world is watching. You have an amazing opportunity to join the "instead ofs" and be on display for His glory.  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.
— Isaiah 61:3 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 24 "Your Are Righteous"

Good Morning Beauties!

How are you feeling today?  How is your motivation?  Is your action plan to combat distractions in place and working?  What revelation is God bringing you through the Truth of your Righteousness?

Don't you love how God provides all we need?  He provides the tools, but asks us to take action with them.  Here's a perfect example - In God's Book of Wisdom, Proverbs 4:23 tells us, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."  Wow!  That sounds very important.  If everything in my life flows from my heart, of course, I want to protect it, but how?

In Ephesians 6, God gives us the tools we need for self protection.  The Armor of God.  Every piece is for a specific purpose, and all but the Sword of the Spirit (The Word) are for defensive protection.  The Breastplate of Righteousness helps create a barrier in front of our heart.  The enemy's arrows are no match for the strength of the breastplate - the knowledge and belief that we are completely accepted by God.  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 


Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place...
— Ephesians 6:14 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 23 "Forgiven, Justified"
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Good Morning Beauties!

God's forgiveness is so vast; who can fathom? What does it mean to you to be forgiven of every sin you've committed?  (Past, Present and Future.)  Every tiny mistake - forgiven.  

At times, I think it's harder to forgive myself than for God to forgive me.  Are you the same?  The enemy will bring up an offense over and over so that I believe the lie he tells me, "God will never forget this one.  It's too big."  But the Truth is, nothing is too big, and God has already forgiven each and every one.

By His forgiveness, we are Justified.  We are blameless, "just as if we had never sinned."  What a relief!  The burden is lifted from our shoulders, and we can walk in Freedom.  

You are forgiven and justified!  With this reminder or revelation, what will change in your life as you walk out this Truth?  Will the Truth restore diminished confidence?  Will it allow you the strength to forgive someone else - "And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us." (The Lord's Prayer)

Take time to hear healing Truth from God today. Enjoy the song below as you meditate on God's Truth - you are forgiven and justified.

East from West

Love and Blessings, 


He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.
— Psalm 103:12 New Living Translation
Kendra Brown
Day 22 "Saved and Sanctified"
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Good Morning Beauties!

We have a double blessing today.  Let's look at how we are Saved and how we are Sanctified, and what God wants us to know about both.

Saved, "to keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger."  In most Christian churches I've been to, the idea of being saved means a person has made a decision to repent of their sins and follow Jesus.  "She believes in Jesus, she's saved."  And while yes, this is True, if we look at the definition in relation to what Jesus did for us, he Rescued us from the greatest danger there is....eternal damnation. 

I've often thought, as indescribably good as Heaven is, Hell is indescribably bad.  We really can't fathom the blessing of Heaven or the curse of Hell, but Jesus has rescued us from Hell so that we may dwell with Him in Heaven for eternity.  Hallelujah!  Selah.

Now that we are rescued, we must be sanctified.  "set apart as or declare holy; consecrate."  There is much to be said about sanctification, and I have included a link to a study of Romans 6 below.  Please consider reviewing the study throughout the week to gain a better knowledge along with the Truth God is revealing to you.

Romans 6 Study

Love and Blessings, 


For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
— Colossians 1:13-14 New International Version
Kendra Brown
Day 21 "You Are Righteous"
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Good Morning Beauties!

Righteous.  I love this word!  Being in "right standing" with God.  No more trying to be good enough, we already are good enough.  This Truth relieves the pressure and stress from our minds, our souls, our hearts. Thank you Lord Jesus!

What lie are you believing that says you're not good enough, that you have to keep striving for something more.  Are you ready to lay that lie down and pick up the Truth?   You are righteous, and even when you make mistakes, you are still righteous.  There's nothing that you've done to earn it, you need only receive the gift from Jesus, who died for you.  Selah.

Love and Blessings, 



For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we who did not know righteousness might become the righteousness of God through our union with him.
— 2 Corinthians 5:21 The Passion Translation
Kendra Brown