Day 37 "Beloved And So Adored"


Good Morning Beauties!

Do you know this Perfect Love of God?  It is the only way He loves, and it is life changing.

I longed for His love all my life, not knowing it was HIS love I was needing.  Looking to fill the huge hole in my heart through family, friends, and relationships, I could never find what I was looking for.  Then I looked for fulfillment through perfectionism, achievement, and success.  All of these sources left me feeling empty as well.  

Even though I was a Christian, I didn't know the True Love of God.  Oh, I believed in Jesus as my Savior, so I was going to Heaven, but I didn't know HIM and His Love.  My life was "saved" but hollow.  

During a Bible study of the Song of Solomon, Jesus and His Love became real to me.  I believed what I read about how He adored me.  I opened my heart wide and received the precious Love of Christ, and my life has never been the same!

What about you?  Can you pinpoint the moment you received the Love of Christ?  Are you a Christian, walking in salvation, but not His Love?  Selah.

Please take time to watch this video and let it bless you.   It's filled with real life stories about the life-changing Love of God. 

He Knows My Name - Francesca Battistelli

Love and Blessings ,


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
— 1 John 3:1 New International Version
Kendra Brown