Good Morning Beauties!
Does your journey look a little messy? Is it what you expected? As you reflect on the first half of the 40 Days, do you first think of all the wins, all the revelation God has shown you, or do you look at where you’ve missed the mark? Selah.
I sat down to write this blog today, and found I didn’t have much to say. I stopped, breathed, and then heard the enemy’s condemning thoughts, “I haven’t prayed yet, I haven’t listened to the song yet, I haven’t journaled yet, what a mess!” The Spirit quickly helped me realize those thoughts were not from God, and that He’s actually please at what I AM doing…getting up every morning to spend time with Him and encourage you Beauties on this blog. I heard a new voice say, “Look at all you ARE doing! I’m well pleased.”
Don’t you just love how God loves us despite our messy lives? How did your mother react when you made a mess in the house or of your clothes? She may have been disappointed in the moment, but you knew she still loved you. God still loves us!! We don’t have to strive for perfection - we ALL miss the mark, we ALL need Jesus.
Take some time today to look back at the first half of your journey. Are your expectations being met? Do you need to make any adjustments? Are your action plans keeping the obstacles at bay? Do they need any revisions? How is your motivation? Are you still longing for more of Jesus as you travel this journey with Him? Selah.
Let’s praise our Royal King today for loving us despite our imperfections.
You Are My King (Amazing Love) - Christy Nockels
Love and Blessings,