Day 11 "You Are Joyful"

The Abundant Joy of The Lord

Good Evening Beauties!

Let’s talk about our next attribute, joy! What’s the first thing you think of when you hear that word? Do you have it? Do you want more of it? On a scale of 1-10, where is your joy level?

When I hear the word joy, I think of a sense of being that’s more than a feeling. I also think of the scripture we all know in Nehemiah 8:10, “…for the Joy of the Lord is your strength.” The scripture verse helps describe what I believe joy is and what it does for us and in us.

Nothing can stop a joyful heart, not the worst day, not any circumstance. A joyful heart is steadfast, focused on the Lord, and constantly reminded of the indescribable gift Jesus gave freely on the cross.

I find my greatest joy when I’m in communion with God, and that happens at its deepest level when I’m writing praise and worship songs to Him. My heart is close to His, and I can’t help but praise Him. Psalm 84:2 in the New Living Translation is a beautiful description - you can find it below. When I’m lost in the magnificence of His presence, all troubles fade away, and I find courage and strength in remembering I serve the Almighty God, Creator of all things. Our time together brings me back to an eternal perspective, and there I find great JOY.

I encourage you to review as many scriptures as possible with the word joy. Where is God revealing your true source of joy lives? Selah.

We know from our foundation verse, John 10':10 the enemy would like nothing better than to steal your joy…don’t let him! Keep your heart focused on Jesus!

Old Church Choir - Zach Williams

Love and Blessings,

I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord. With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God.
— Psalm 84:2 New Living Translation