Day 14 "You Are Joyful"
Good Morning Beauties!
The joy of The Lord is our strength. Have you heard this statement? Joy brings freedom and peace to our souls, and it also brings strength. What allows us to look up to the brilliance of God when everything in the world is so dark? JOY!
So what can ignite our real sense of joy? Gratitude. Taking an assessment of everything you have to be grateful for and then expressing that gratitude will immediately connect your soul with joy. Not looking past today, just focus on the here and now…what are you thankful for? Make a list. Selah.
The second part of the equation is to give voice to your gratitude. How will you do it? Through words, songs, dance, artistry? It’s your personal expression, so make it whatever you need it to be. Selah.
Here’s a song to get us started in thanking a loving and praiseworthy God. Do you notice the joy?
Every Praise - Hezekiah Walker
Love and Blessings,