Day 13 "Grace Has Brought You Peace"
Good Morning Beauties!
Do you long for peace? I know I sure do. Sometimes I’m desperate for it. In those times, I check my “grace meter.” Am I living in God’s grace or my own works? This evaluation allows me to recalibrate my thoughts and realigns my life with His Amazing Grace.
What is your grace meter telling you? Are you living your life still trying to win God’s favor? Do you stress and strive everyday trying to be good enough in His eyes? Selah.
It’s a difficult concept to grasp as humans. We do nothing to earn the love and eternal life from God. All our sins are washed away by someone who was perfect, without sin, named Jesus. He made a way for us back to the Father by taking our sin upon Himself. Jesus died for us, for me, for you - and we did nothing to earn it and can never pay for this gift of life. Hard. To. Grasp.
What happens when we begin to understand God’s grace for us? Peace. It is a beautiful result of God’s love and acceptance for each of His children. What does it look like for you, peace? When have you experienced it most? Are you in need of another dose today? What will it take? Are there things you need to let go of so you can experience all He has for you? Selah.
Love and Blessings,