Day 37 "Beloved And So Adored"
Good Morning Beauties!
The love of God - what can compare? It is life giving, healing, merciful…everything we need. Once touched by this love, your life is forever changed. Do you know it? If yes, do you want more of it? If not, seek Him and His love and He will be found. Selah.
I love the transformative power of God’s love. One of my favorite examples in the Bible is of the Samaritan woman Jesus found at the well. Here is a woman with much sin, but once she had revelation of whom she was talking to - the Savior of the World, she ran back and told everyone in her town about how Him. She had been washed clean and was no longer the town’s blemish. The story is a beautiful story of redemption and can be found in John 4:1-42.
Jesus was very personal to the Samaritan woman, and that’s what He wants with you - a deep personal relationship. We try to do acts of service for Him, but the truth is, he just wants us to be. Be with Him. Be present in our conversations with Him. Will you “just be” with Him today as He speaks to your heart about how much He loves you? Selah.
He Knows My Name - Francesca Battistelli
Love and Blessings,