Day 36 "You Are A Child Of God"
Good Morning Beauties!
Have you ever been lost? As a child, it can be a terrifying experience. It’s an overwhelming feeling of panic and danger until you find your parent. The feeling of love and security washes over you like a warm blanket, and you feel completely safe once again.
We can feel lost as adults too. Life’s circumstances swirl around in our mind until we’re dizzy. We feel impending danger and the fear becomes a stronghold and causes us to forget who we are and whose we are.
Sweet Beauties, remember you are a Child of The Most High God! He is your Abba Father, your Daddy. Whenever you feel lost, He will gently take your hand and lead you to His promises - green pastures, still waters, smooth places.
Father is all the security and strength we’ll ever need. He brings all He has for each one of us. He is an ever loving and ever faithful Father. You can trust Him with your life.
May I recommend you look in your concordance today and look up every entry in the Bible that references the word “child” or “children.” You will find truth after truth about God’s love for you. Are you ready to open the floodgates of His love? Selah.
Love and Blessings,