Day 2 "Daughter Of The King"

God’s Princess Photo by Bùi Thanh Tâm on Unsplash

God’s Princess
Photo by Bùi Thanh Tâm on Unsplash

Good Morning Beauties!

This truth makes my heart smile every time I hear it. I am the Daughter of The King! I am a Princess! Isn’t that the dream of every little girl?

What does it mean to you? Were you made to feel like a Princess growing up? Are you familiar with what it means to live with such a high position? There were several Disney Princesses who showed us what it looks like, right?

What if you never knew the Disney stories? What if you were never made to feel special? It might be a hard leap to relate to such an idea of being the daughter of any king let alone The King of All Kings.

Daughter of The King means that you are a beloved Child of God. No matter what your relationship was or is with your Earthly father, your Abba Father loves you and has given you the position of His Daughter. Where a mere mortal man may have failed you, God never will. His love for you is perfect.

Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin

Love and Blessings,

Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord.
— Psalm 45:10-11 New International Version
Kendra Brown