Day 1 "You Are Beautiful"
Good Morning Beauties!
It’s here! The first day of our journey. I hope you are as excited as I am. Excited to see how God will meet us on our journeys and do a transformative work in us. Are you ready for a life change?
Our first word to ponder and pray about is BEAUTIFUL. The dictionary defines it as an adjective meaning, “pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.” Is true beauty determined by the physical attributes of a person, or what’s on the inside of their soul? How do you define beauty? Please write it down in your journal.
How do you relate to your definition of beauty? Does something from your past effect the way you see your beauty? Is there a message you were given that made you believe you were less than what you consider to be beautiful? Let God bring to mind any lies the enemy placed there years ago regarding how you see your own beauty. Spend time letting God reveal truth to you this morning. Are you willing to open up and let Him in? Selah.
During a Bible Study of the Song of Solomon, I felt beautiful for the first time. The study was about 20 years ago, so there was a big part of my life where I did not feel or believe I was beautiful. In my case, my definition growing up was about the exterior, and not who God made me to be. The messages in my mind were full of what I wasn’t. I wasn’t thin enough, tan enough, tall enough, etc. All lies of the enemy saying I wasn’t enough. Through God’s love and grace, He showed me who I really am - and I’m beautiful, inside and out. The healing I needed took time, it was a process. The enemy still lies to me, trying to steal the healing I’ve received, but I take those thoughts to the foot of the cross and lay them down before Jesus.
We’re just starting, and there’s so much God wants to do for us. If we let Him, God will reveal lies we may not know exist and bring truth and healing. He’s such an amazingly loving Father who wants the very best for us.
Love and Blessings,