Day 7 "Clothed In His Majesty"
Good Morning Beauties!
It’s a beautiful Monday morning, and I pray you’ve had a wonderful weekend of resting and trusting in the Lord. We’ve now been on our journey together for a week, and I pray you’ve found a comfortable flow in your schedule to spend time with God and listen to all He has to say.
Perhaps the first week of journaling has brought up some difficult issues to process. It’s good to check in with your soul - your mind, will, and emotions. If you’re needing a boost of strength right about now, today’s lyric is a great remedy. We’re looking at God’s power and majesty and how He freely gives it to us who believe in Jesus.
Psalm 93:1 speaks of God’s awesome power and strength as it beautifully describes Him wearing His majesty as garments. Can you see it? God seated on His Throne clothed in regal robes and crowned in gold. That’s the picture we have of an Earthly king. How does the view of the all powerful Almighty God change your picture?
Paul writes in Ephesians 1:19-20, “I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Hm in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the Heavenly realms.” - New Living Translation
It may be difficult to comprehend all the power we have as Daughters of The King, but I pray today you will get a glimpse. I pray you will know with certainty you are strong and have been given the strength to defeat the enemy and his lies. In this strength and confidence, I pray you will allow God to reveal any fear the enemy has placed in your mind. You do not have to be the one to tremble in fear; let The Light (Jesus) tremble the darkness!
In the power you’ve been given, what do you want to accomplish with God today? Selah.
God of the Promise - Elevation Worship
Love and Blessings,