Day 2 "Daughter Of The King"
Good Morning Beauties!
Can you picture it? Being the Daughter of the King of all Kings? It's hard to fathom, am I right? What does that look like to you? What is God speaking to you about this Truth?
Yesterday we started the conversation about being a princess. By definition, a daughter of a king is a princess. So, do you believe this Truth about yourself? What does it look like when you walk it out and live in it each day?
God speaks to us in several ways, so we have to be listening at all times. He spoke to me through nature a few years ago about this very subject. I am blessed to live with the Mississippi River Park in my back yard. It's gorgeous and full of His magnificent creation. To get to the river, to my favorite spot, there is a path that cuts through a dense group of tall trees. These beautiful trees overhang the path from both sides, creating a canopy.
I've walked this path several times, but on one particular morning, God spoke about my royal title, that of His Princess. It was if the trees were bowing as I walked down the regal road with my royal status. I felt special, but not superior. Further down the path, it was lined with yellow dandelions on each side. As I walked, it became a processional through God's splendor. All of us being created by the same True God. All of us praising Him in unison. Birds singing, wind rustling the leaves, the river flowing.
He showed me, indeed, I am His Princess, and a far departure from the "tomboy" from my past. What lie is holding you back from believing in your True Royal status? Selah.
Love and Blessings,
“She is led to the king, followed by her virgin companions. A procession of joy and laughter! A grand entrance to the king’s palace!”