Day 1 "You Are Beautiful"

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Good Morning Beauties!

Welcome to Day 1 of our journey together.  I applaud you for your courage and determination for a deeper relationship with God.  You won't be disappointed.

Beautiful - what does it mean to you?  Do you automatically think of a perfect princess like Barbie or a Christ-centered Saint like Mother Teresa? I've used this comparison before because it speaks to the range of where our thoughts of beauty exist. We can think first of physical beauty, or perhaps we immediately think of inner beauty.  There are no right or wrong answers, just honest ones.  I think it's important to know where you fall on the spectrum and know the reasons why.  Selah.

It's been said that girls are nurtured by their fathers to develop a sense of confidence and security about who they are, and that our fathers are the first male figure to make us feel beautiful.  Some fathers have done a better job than others.  Some fathers have not done a good job at all.  Whatever your experience as a child, you are now a grown woman and can know with all certainty that you ARE beautiful.  

Our Abba Father God, translated as "Daddy," wants to speak Truth to you about your beauty.  Inside and out, He says that you are beautiful.  Perhaps today is a good day to look in the back of your Bible at the concordance and look up scriptures that speak of your beauty.  The word is Truth and the word is alive.  Will you open your heart and receive the truth He has for you?

I've shared below a very special scripture Abba Father spoke to my heart years ago.  Every time I read it, I find love, comfort, and joy.  It helps wash away hurtful memories of being cast as a tomboy, and often mistaken as a boy, to reveal the beautiful princess I truly am.  As a child, I had to be strong and take care of myself, but now I have the freedom to "soften up" and trust the Lord will take care of me.  It's a whole new mindset of who He made me to True identity.

How about you?  Do you need to see yourself in a new way?  I pray you will lean in and hear from God just how beautiful you are. 

Love and Blessings, 


Listen, O daughter, consider and give ear; forget your people and your father’s house. The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.
— Psalm 45:10-11 New International Version



Kendra Brown