Day 32 "Darkness Turned to Light"
Good Morning Beauties!
If there was one word to describe my life before I knew Jesus, it would be darkness. Life was a constant struggle and battle with fear, anger, shame, and hopelessness. I felt unloved and unwanted. It was a horrible place. All this darkness was hidden behind a false curtain of accomplishment, success and confidence.
When I met Jesus, it was if he lifted the curtain and His glorious light poured into the darkness, filled every corner, and extinguished every last bit. Now all I see is light! My heart and soul see His beauty in all things, I love deeply, and live in constant hope and expectation of blessing.
He purified me through and through with His light and love and I have never been the same. I am changed. Darkness turned to light.
What is your story? What is your "one word?" How has knowing Jesus changed your life? Selah.
Love & Blessings,