Day 31 "You are Purity"


Good Morning Beauties!

Oh my goodness, just 10 days left of this amazing journey! Today is a good time to once again reflect on how God has replaced lies with His Truth during your journey. I'm sure He has shown Himself faithful.

The past few days we looked at the work and beauty of the Cross of Christ. The Bible tells us if we believe Jesus died for our sins and rose again, we are a Christian and will spend eternity in Heaven with God. Do you believe? Do you believe all the work was done by Jesus, and all we have to do is believe? Do you believe in the simplicity of salvation?

As Christians, we've been given eternal life with The Father, but what about here on Earth? Here's what the Bible says, "When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 AMEN!

We have been purified by Christ, and are now a new creation. No longer filled with guilt and shame, we walk spotless and blameless. What does that look like for you? Selah.

Remember, it's who you ARE, not what you DO. The enemy will tell you "New life? Ha! You haven't changed!" But he's a lier, and that's a lie! I encourage you to write down in your journal all the ways Jesus has changed your heart as His new creation. Ask Him to show you, and He will reveal Truth.

Love & Blessings, 

Kendra Brown