Day 38 "Treasured By Our Lord"
Good Morning Beauties!
Today’s lyric is one of my very favorites. I especially like to reflect on it at Christmas. At this time of year, we focus on the Christ Child - Jesus as a baby. He was God’s own Son who came to the Earth to save us. God treasures His one and only cherished Son, and He feels the same way about you and me.
If you’re a parent, you can definitely relate to this love. Think of your child or children and how they are the most special people in the entire world. No other child is as brilliant as your child. No one is smarter, funnier, more creative, better looking, and the list goes on. They are your absolute Treasures!
You know what it feels like to love and express love to your child, but do you know what if’s like to be treasured? Were you that child who was loved and cherished? Did you feel special growing up no matter when you behaved good or bad? If yes, you are blessed to have been valued by the people who’s opinion mattered most to you. If no, I’m sorry - but it’s not too late.
I love the word ‘treasured.” It provides a picture of something that’s of great worth. Men will search a lifetime for hidden or sunken treasure and be willing to die for it. Isn’t that the same thing God did for you? He searched for you all those years, and was willing to lay down His life for you…His Treasured Possession.
You are of tremendous worth and value to God and to His Kingdom. What are the lies the enemy told you that say you’re anything less? Selah.
Love and Blessings,