Day 37 "Beloved And So Adored"
Good Morning Beauties!
The fullness of the Love of Abba Father is something too grand to comprehend. In our journey with Him, He reveals a little more each day. Are you looking for it? Do you long for it? Are you intentional about your awareness of how God is loving you? Selah.
Especially at this beautiful time of year, Christmas brings our attention back to the birth of our Savior, Jesus. Are you able to keep your attention on Christ, or is it diverted to the pressures of a commercialized Christmas? You’ll get no judgement here, I’m running out today to purchase those last minute items to ensure my husband’s Christmas morning is special.
My prayer for all of us is that we will focus on the Truth about Christmas - God’s love for us. We are so loved The Father sent His Son into the world - His Love left Heaven and came down to Earth. He loves us in the greatest way the world has ever seen or will ever see. Jesus left His rightful place in Heaven to die on a cross and bring us back to The Father. The absolute best Gift ever given - Jesus Christ, Savior of the world.
How will you keep your focus on God’s love for you today? Selah.
Love and Blessings,