Good Morning Beauties!
You’ve made it! You’ve waited patiently, and the day has come to begin a journey with God like nothing you’ve done before. The experience is distinctive in that the 40 Days are derived from the 40 lyrics of a song, a song of God’s Truth, His Word, and The Gospel. And there could be no better time to begin your transformation than the beginning of a new year. 2023 will be a year to look back and remember how Jesus changed your life.
I believe this 40 Day Journey experience is a “narrow gate” which leads to the Truth of God few people find as written in Matthew 7:13-14. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (NIV)
How can we possibly navigate through this world without knowing who we really are? Our true identity in Christ? Without knowing the Truth, the enemy will continue to fill our minds with lies. Our belief in these lies only leads to our destruction. God desperately wants you to know the Truth about who you are and who He created you to be which will lead to a life of love, joy, peace, and purpose. A life of fulfillment. A life He died to give you.
This journey is also unique to each participant, just as you are unique. We will travel together and yet have individual experiences with God. The journey will provide different things for different people. One thing is for sure; if you commit to spending 40 consecutive days with God, you will be changed. 40 Days is significant in the Bible - it brings testing, trial, temptation, and transformation. Are you all in ?
The scripture God gave me while impressing on my heart to begin this women’s journal and ministry is John 10:10, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” (NIV)
Have you ever noticed, that in any great adventure story, there is a fight between good and evil, the “good guy” and the “bad guy”? Beauties, the battle is real! The battle raging in the spiritual realm is very real. We fight it everyday whether we’re aware of it or not. In this journey, you will be on the offensive attack against the enemy, taking back ground he has stolen from you. It’s a fight. Are you ready?
Though you are waging war, you must not fear, but instead rise up in confidence. God is right by your side. You can trust Him. In the Bible, He promises, “But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.” Thessalonians 3:3 New Living Translation. God has so much for you, far exceeding any expectation you have, so turn your fear into faith.
As you can see, this journey is significant, and with anything of great importance, we must approach it with meaningful intentionality. We must carefully prepare for our journey. God will do His part, and we must be faithful to do ours too.
What are your expectations for your journey experience? What exactly do you need God to do? What are you willing to do? Grab your journal and find a place you will return to often. Write down your expectations and what you’re willing to commit to in order to help meet your expectations. Include your prayer of what you need from God. Selah.
In this battle, there will be many road blocks thrown in your way. Overcoming obstacles begins with knowing what they are, then creating a plan of action to defeat them. A common roadblock is time. Write down any obstacles you anticipate being a problem, and then create an action plan to ensure they don’t interfere with your journey. The enemy will try everything in his power to stop you from silencing his lies on your journey, so you have to be prepared. Selah.
The last thing, but vital to the success of your journey is to find your motivation. Why are you taking this journey? When the enemy is pressing in and making it difficult for you to keep going, how will you continue to put on your armor and keep fighting? When you don’t see the results you were expecting by Day 20, what will keep you on the journey? Please write down your “WHY” and refer to it often. Selah.
Please feel free to use this blog as you want. Some meet me here daily, some as needed, and some not at all. Each is fine. I’m here to encourage and share revelations from my own journey. If you ever want to reach out for a conversation, please use the “let’s connect” page on this website.
Now that you’ve written down your expectations, obstacles with action plans, and your important “why,” it’s time to go before the Lord. Jesus, we pray you will use this journey to transform us. Jesus, we know you have the power to help us identify the lies of the enemy and to replace them with your truth so we can walk in freedom. Jesus, we pray for open and willing hearts and minds that will be ready for anything you reveal to us. We look forward to the transformation you have prepared for us, and are excited as we trust in you. Jesus, we pray you help us stay the course when it gets difficult. We understand this journey is a battle, so we pray for protection and that you remind us to put on the full armor of God found in Ephesians 6 each time we sit down to journal. In Jesus’ Holy and all powerful name, Amen.
Okay Beauties, as we prepare today, here’s our warrior anthem. Let the powerful lyric and melody strengthen and encourage you as we begin our 40 Day Journey.
Love and Blessings,