Day 40 "And You Are Beautiful"
Beautiful Reflection
Happy Lord’s Day Beauties!
CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve done what most have not; you’ve made it through to the end. I know it wasn’t easy, you made sacrifices, you stayed focus, and you did it. Tomorrow we’ll reflect on the entire journey, but today let’s look, one final time, at your beauty. It’s time to silence, once and for all, the lies that say you are anything but beautiful.
Looking at the word beauty, how has the meaning changed for you over the past 40 days? Do you have a new opinion of your own beauty? How would you describe your beauty? Are there any residual messages from the enemy you need to bring before Jesus? Selah.
On my very first journey, it was on this day, Day 40, I had an “ah ha” moment with God. He brought me full circle and showed me everything was culminating to this truth - Jesus is marvelously beautiful, and I simply reflect HIS beauty when I live my life for him. (When I’ve completely surrendered to His will and am living each day in the Spirit.)
The great mystery of our Christian faith is this…Jesus lives in us, and moves in us. Our inner life, our behavior, and even our physical appearance all reflect the Lord. We reflect His love, the fruit of the Spirit, and all the attributes we’ve learned about during our journey: beauty, loveliness, joyfulness, royalty, righteousness, redemption, purity, and being a child of God.
It’s all about JESUS! It has always been about Him since the beginning of time. Our Savior, our Lord, our Everything! Let’s take time today in celebration of Jesus and how much He means to us. We can never tire of lifting up the Name of the One who sets us free and gives us new life. Our Beautiful Jesus, Hallelujah!!
Beautiful Jesus - Passion (Featuring Chidima)
Love and Blessings,
“Now let Us conceive a new creation—humanity—made in Our image, fashioned according to Our likeness.”