Day 38 "Treasured By Our Lord"
God’s Beautiful Treasure
Good Morning Beauties!
Today’s lyric is one of my favorites in the entire song. The attribute of being valued to God brought tremendous healing to my life on my very first journey experience. I’ll never forget it! He gave me my new name, “Segullah” which means “God’s treasured possession” in Hebrew.
I’ve found a beautiful devotional message on being valued by God. Please enjoy it, meditate on it, and bring God into your prayer for any wound needing to be healed.
“For you are my treasured possession.” (
Exodus 19:5 NIV
”Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.”
We determine an object's value by what we are willing to pay for it. You may only be willing to pay $1.00 for a cup of coffee, so that is what its value is to you. Some people are willing to pay incredible sums of money to own pieces of art, while in others eyes these paintings wouldn't be worth the wall space that they would take up.
The value we place on things is very subjective. As the saying man's garbage is another man's gold. If how much we are willing to pay for something determines its true value, then we must be incredibly valuable to God, for He paid the highest price that could be paid for our redemption the life of His only begotten Son.
God demonstrated His love to us and proved our worth to Him by offering the highest payment He could possibly pay. The God who made all the precious jewels, the gold and the silver, has chosen us to be His most treasured possession. Our worth is not based on what we think of ourselves, or by our own good deeds, but solely on the astronomical price that God was willing to pay for us to come home.
We are of greater worth to the Father than the most stunning treasures imaginable, because of the price He was willing to pay. May we never forget the value of the gift the Father gave us when He sacrificed His beloved Son. Jesus truly proved that we truly are His Father's most treasured possession.
Father, help me comprehend the incredible value You place on my life. I receive the love gift of Your Son Jesus as the price You paid in order to purchase my redemption. I acknowledge that my worth does not come from what I do, but simply because of Whose I am. Because of Jesus, I am accepted as Your child and am Your most treasured possession. In the name of Your beloved Son Jesus I pray, AMEN.
Love and Blessings,
“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.”