Day 34 "You Are Purity"

God’s Pure Creation

Good Morning Beauties!

I hope you all are feeling healthy and energized as we’re fast approaching the end of our journey. Your dedication is to be commended and applauded. I hope you are giving yourself credit for the hard work you’re putting into your journey experience.

I love this photo. To me, it ties in what we’ve discussed over the past few days about purity. The center represents our hearts and how God purifies us like gold. The white petals are the light breaking through the darkness. The total picture is God’s perfect creation on display for His splendor. Can you see it? Do you believe this is how He sees you? If not this flower, what represents how God sees your purity? Selah.

Over the past few days, have you identified places of guilt or shame during our discussion on purity? On my second journey experience, God revealed deeply hidden shame I was still carrying around from things I had done in my teen and early 20’s. Things done out of the pain I was in. Truth set me free from the bondage of the guilt and shame. What do you need to be set free from today? Selah.

Here is one of the most pure worship songs I’ve ever heard. Please use it in your time with God as He heals you from any wounds and brings you into a new deeper relationship with Him.

Lord of Lords - Brooke Ligertwood

Love and Blessings,

If we walk step by step in the light, where the Father is, then we are ultimately connected to each other through the sacrifice of Jesus His Son. His blood purifies us from all our sins.
— 1 John 1:7 The Voice
Kendra Brown