Day 4 "You Are Beautiful"

Beauty in All Things

Good Morning Beauties!

Again, we come to the truth, you are beautiful. It’s only been a couple of days since we journaled on Day 1 about this particular truth. What’s happened in the last few days? Are you noticing God’s beauty around you and within you?

His beauty is absolutely everywhere because He created it. John 1:3 clearly tells us, “He created everything there is—nothing exists that he didn’t make.” (TLB)

In your journal, make a list of the beauty surrounding you. Think of everything - people, nature, your favorite coffee cup…everything! Think of your five senses and all the beauty they experience. A beautiful scent from a candle, the taste of chocolate, the sound of a child’s laugh. Write them all down. See the beauty God has placed in your life…including your life. Selah.

On my list is the beautiful way God has brought this 40 Day Journey to Beauties around the world. In the past few days we’ve had people from China, Thialand, Philippines, and the United Kingdom joining us. Jesus takes our small offering and feeds five thousand. Truly beautiful.

Take some time to simply dwell in His presence and give Him the worship of your heart.
Most Beautiful - Maverick City Music

Love and Blessings,

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
— Ecclesiastes 3:11 New International Version
Kendra Brown