Day 2 "Daughter Of The King"

Put on Your Crown

Good Morning Beauties!

“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
2 Corinthians 6:18 (NIV)

Yes, it’s true! You are a daughter of the Most High King. This truth gives you the title of Princess in the Royal Family. I know it’s early to stop and Selah, but this truth has a lot to grasp.

What is your idea of a princess? Do you picture someone who’s behind stone walls living a life of luxury, or do you envision someone who’s caring, generous, and serves others?

Grab your journal and write your thoughts and feelings about your royal status. Selah.

Can you easily see yourself in this role, or is it difficult to put the crown on your head? Do you feel unworthy? Where does that thought come from? Psychologists will tell you that girls develop their identity and value from their fathers. Did your Earthly father do a good job of making you feel cherished, wanted, and an important part of the family? Did he encourage you along the way and help build up your confidence? You may have been blessed with a loving Dad, and as wonderful and Godly as some fathers are, they are still mortal men, and have flaws. Not all of our fathers knew how crucial these aspects of fatherhood were to our personal development. Today let your father “off the hook.” Ask the Holy Spirit to help you forgive all his shortcomings, and let go of any disappointments you have for what he may have lacked. You have a perfect Heavenly Father, your Abba Father (Daddy) who will never let you down. Selah.

On Labor Day (in America), we take a break from our work and usually spend time having fun with our family and friends. It’s a day where we can rest and not think about the pressures of work. God purposefully had this 40 Day Journey begin on the Labor Day weekend to reinforce the truth that He allows us to rest in Him everyday, not just on holidays.

As you continue on your journey, He will continue to reveal lies from the enemy and replace them with His truth. Keep yourself open to all He has for you, and you will find rest.

Let’s celebrate our status with our Abba Father! Put your crown on your head and spend time with your Daddy.
Daughter of a King - Jenny Phillips

Love and Blessings,

Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord.
— Psalm 45:10-11 New International Version
Kendra Brown