Day 17 "You Wear The Victor's Crown"

Fearless Warrior of God

Good Morning Beauties!

Jesus has already won the war with the enemy. He has defeated death. He has won the VICTORY!!! Let me remind you, Jesus lives inside you; therefore, the victory has been won in you as well. Are you living your life from a place of victory? Does fear have a stronghold that just won’t subside? Why do you think that is? Selah.

The phrase "fear not" appears in the Bible 365 times, once for each day of the year. Some say this is a daily reminder from God to trust Him and focus on Him each day. God obviously knew we would fight against fear, so He gave us daily encouragements in the form of His Word, His Truth, to help us when we feel afraid. Fear is a stronghold from the enemy and it’s vital to break free from this deception.

Here are a couple of powerful scriptures that are worth memorizing and keeping in your arsenal of weapons. The Word of the Lord is our sword, our offensive weapon to win our battles.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Take some time to reflect how the enemy has used fear to steal, kill, and destroy parts of your life. Now pray for God to restore those things. What does it mean to you to know God is with you at all times, wherever you go? How can fear exist in the presence of God? Will you relinquish the Spirit of fear today? Selah.

You wear the Victor’s Crown, and yet you will have battles. You must come prepared to the fight with your full armor (Ephesian 6), knowing that Jesus is right by your side. You are not fighting for victory, but FROM victory, so stand firm against the spirit of fear today and declare, “I am FEARLESS!”

Fearless - Jasmine Murray

Love and Blessings,

The victor’s crown of righteousness is now waiting for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on the day that he comes, and not only to me but also to all who eagerly wait for his appearing.
— 2 Timothy 4:8-10 New International Version
Kendra Brown