Day 23 "Forgiven, Justified"
Happy Lord’s Day Beauties!
“ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 (ESV)
This verse presents a simple if-then statement. First comes the condition, then the result. The condition is our choice to confess. The result comes next, and it is forgiveness. Who does the forgiving? God Himself. God is faithful and just (or righteous); and on this basis, we are assured that He will continue to fulfill His promise to receive all who come to Him.
God’s forgiveness doesn’t depend on whether we have mentioned to God our latest sinful act. Rather, our confession is a habit or discipline that is a part of having fellowship with God and walking in the light. Despite our lack of obedience, He is always faithful to us. Have you made confession a part of your daily life? Is it a discipline you take sereiously? What have been the results of your level of confession? Selah.
The verse doesn’t stop there, so let’s look at the second part. There is another result of this continual confession, and it is cleansing. John is equally adamant that, based on God’s faithfulness and righteousness, we can expect His forgiveness and cleansing. Please make note, what is being forgiven is “our sins,” but that which we are cleansed from is “all unrighteousness.” John went on to explain later in his letter that God is righteous, and all who know Him walk in righteousness; unrighteousness is all that is unlike God. This result — being cleansed from all that is unlike God — is based on confessing our sins. What sins need confessing today? Pray the Holy Spirit reveals sin that you may not even be aware of so you can bring it to the Lord in confession. Selah.
This amazing, powerful promise leaves me with this truth: if I find that I am not being cleansed from unrighteousness, there is something wrong with my confessing. Selah.
Love and Blessings,