Day 31 "You Are Purity"
Good Morning Beauties!
PURITY - Freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, or pollutes. In the Bible we see words like innocent, childlike, unblemished, free from guilt and shame.
“But Christ has brought you back to God by His death on the cross. In this way, Christ can bring you to God, holy and pure and without blame.” Colossians 1:22 (NLV)
We’ve looked at this verse with a focus on reconciliation, today, let’s focus on how we’re presented to God in our purity. What’s the first thing you think when you consider today’s truth, “you are purity”? Do you say, “no way, I’ve done way too much to be pure.” Or does it sound more like, “I’m trying to be pure, but everyday, I still sin”? Selah.
Jesus has already provided your purity by what HE has done. It could never be dependent on anything you could ever possibly do. Are you willing to release any guilt or shame to Jesus once and for all and know how he really sees you - blameless, spotless, pure? Selah.
Jesus was born a pure baby, grew up a sinless boy, ministered as a perfect man. When you think of Christmas, remember His perfection was given to you as a gift of His sacrifice on the cross. When you view a manger scene this Christmas, when you look at Baby Jesus in the manger, when you think of his innocence, realize the Father looks at you in the same way. Selah.
Jesus has made a way for you to enter the Holy of Holies, His very presence. Approach His throne with humility and reverence.
Holy Ground - The Belonging Company, Kari Jobe
Love and Blessings,