Day 33 "Perfect In His Sight"
Good Morning Beauties!
Most high performing women leaders I know are perfectionists. Their drive and achievements are admired by others, but it’s killing them inside. There’s no peace, no rest, just living a hectic life on a treadmill that goes faster and faster with each passing day.
It’s time to get real and be honest with yourself. Are you a perfectionist? Perhaps not a full blown one, but do you have perfectionistic tendencies? How heavy is that load? Describe a typical day/week in your journal. Selah.
Beauties, peace and rest are in surrender. Let’s connect the dots. Can you see your need for control is so things will go perfectly, and therefore making yourself appear without blemish? Are you ready to hand it over, surrender your need to be perfect? Selah.
I believe our need to meet others’ expectations (real or perceived) is to gain acceptance and love. The lies of the enemy will tell us, “if you don’t perform to their standard and make them happy, you will never earn their respect and love.” The fear of rejection is a HUGE tool of the enemy. Who are you trying to impress? Who’s expectations are you trying to meet? Uncovering the answers will reveal much so you can move forward. Selah.
Here’s the TRUTH! Only Jesus is perfect, so stop trying. And another TRUTH, Jesus loves you with a perfect love, one that doesn’t judge, only sees the beautiful and flawless person He created. His complete acceptance of you is all you need. You may see your life as a chaotic mess, but He sees perfection. Will you believe these truths? Selah.
Perfectly Loved - Rachael Lampa with TobyMac
Love and Blessings,