Day 30 "And You Are Beautiful"

Delightful Beauty

Good Morning Beauties!

The first word that came to mind this morning as I reflected on the sacrifice of Jesus for me was “unworthy.” It put a damper on my morning from the get-go. Then, the Holy Spirit quickly spoke to me, “of course you’re unworthy, but that has nothing to do with your beauty. See yourself as the Father sees you.” WOW! That was the shot in the arm I needed to turn my day around.

So I contemplated what it must be like to see me as Abba sees me. “Lord, help me understand how you can see all my faults and flaws and still see my beauty?” Immediately, three things came to mind, my dog Hewi, The Chosen, and The Word.

My adorable maltese, Hewi, brought such delight to my heart today by the simplest thing. He has been trained to potty in a certain area, but he still has trouble sometimes. He’ll go near the area, so I know he’s trying, and when he went in the designated spot this morning, we had a little celebration. I delighted in him. Even when he fails, I still love him. His struggles never diminish my love for him.

The second thing I though of as I was trying to understand how God sees me was the series, The Chosen. Most of you have probably seen at least some of it by now. It’s an incredible story of Jesus and His disciples, The Chosen. I quickly remembered episodes where the disciples “messed up” or their actions were less than Godly, but Jesus would still look at them with loving eyes and smile. Despite their flaws, He still took great pleasure in them and their desire to grow as they followed Him.

Lastly, I thought of the scripture that says God delights in us and sings over us. That thought was followed by the Spirit’s whisper, “you make things too complicated. Your life and our love for you is so simple.”

What about you, do you need to simplify your life in Christ? Do negative thoughts cloud the truth of how the Father sees your beauty? What is the Holy Spirit whispering to you today? Selah.

I’ve played this song over and over this morning. I pray you will enjoy it too!

God Delights In You - Sovereign Grace

Love and Blessings,

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.
— Zephaniah 3:17 New Living Translation
New Years 2024Kendra Brown