Day 24 "You Are Righteous"
Good Morning Beauties!
On this last day of pondering our righteousness, our right standing with God, let’s dig a little deeper. There’s so much treasure He wants us to discover.
Let’s uncover any more lies of the enemy that lie deep within your heart and mind. Let’s look with open and honest transparency. When do you still hear, “You’re not good enough?” What are you doing when this lie rears its ugly head? Are you stepping out and trying something new? Are you serving the Lord? Are you joining a new community? Are you trying to relate to your teenager? Selah.
This lie of not being good enough can take on many forms. You may believe that you’re disappointing God when you fail. You may believe you’ll never have peace with a particular person. You may believe you’ll never advance in your job. Spend time uncovering when you believe you’re not good enough. Selah.
Let’s continue to go even deeper. I’ve found that the fear of not being good enough is only a symptom of a bigger issue, a bigger lie. In my case, it’s the fear of rejection. The lie becomes, “If I’m good enough, they will love and accept me.” This lie is especially harmful when I try to perform to impossible standards to gain the acceptance and love of God. “If I’m good enough, God will love me.” Of course, I know this is a big fat lie, but at times, it invades my mind again and breaks my heart.
What bigger lie is your "not good enough” really covering? Spend time listening the the Spirit and write down the things you know to be true to combat the lies of the enemy. Selah.
The great news is God wants to be in those difficult places. When we feel weak, He wants to come and make us strong. When we doubt, He wants to bring assurance. His amazing grace is sufficient for all our needs. This grace allows us to become those glorious Oaks of Righteousness on display for His splendor. (Isaiah 60:3) Beauties, let’s uncover the lies, replace them with truth, live each day in His grace, and usher people towards the one true God, Jesus Christ.
Your Grace Is Enough - Alisa Childers
Love and Blessings,