Day 2 "Daughter Of The King"


Good Morning Beauties!

Tension. There is great tension between the temporal things of this world and the true things of the eternal. Often our identity gets stuck in Earthly beliefs as we replay lies from the enemy in our minds. Though we hear messages to the contrary, we still live out a false identity and never fulfill the abundant life Jesus died to give us.

How do we relieve this tension? Thankfully, there is so much we can do. The first thing we can do to walk in truth is to seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to reveal any lies we’re believing. He is gracious and kind and most worthy of our trust. Are you willing to hear all He has to say? Selah.

We can also seek the Lord in His Word, the Bible. There, He will speak truth directly to our hearts. In Psalm 45, we read a beautiful wedding song. In verses 10-11, the answer to relieving this tension is given. “Listen, O Daughter, consider and give ear; forget your people and your father’s house. The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord.” (NIV)

What is God saying to you in these verses? What is God asking of you in this passage? Does this change how you see yourself and your Heavenly position in the Royal Family? Selah.

I love the story in Mark 5 of the woman with an issue of blood. She knew in her heart she only needed to touch the hem of Jesus’s garment, and she would be healed. Her faith propelled her forward into healing and new life. A life of freedom.

Will you move forward in faith, forgetting what’s behind, and wear your crown? Will you accept this great gift from your Heavenly Father? Beauties, we have the choice to become all we’re meant to be, or to sink back into the roles we were given by the world. What will you choose? Selah.

Beauty, you are the Daughter of The Most High King! No matter what you’ve ever heard to the contrary, no matter what negative messages you’ve ever heard, you are beautiful and you are loved.

Daughter of The King - Jamie Grace featuring Morgan Haper Nichols

Love and Blessings,

Then He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith [your personal trust and confidence in Me] has restored you to health; go in peace and be [permanently] healed from your suffering.’
— Mark 5:34 Amplified Bible