Day 22 "Saved And Sanctified"
Good Morning Beauties!
“'Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22 (NIV)
Let’s talk salvation. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. More than reciting a simple prayer, we repent of our sins, turn from our sinful ways, and find new life in him. Take a few minutes and remember when you first answered the sweet whisper of the Holy Spirit, calling you into communion with Jesus. You may want to journal about where you were, who was with you, what was happening in your life, and how you felt. How often do you think of this glorious time of your salvation? Do you express your gratitude on a daily basis for being rescued from death and eternal damnation to abundant life and eternal glory with our Heavenly Father? Selah.
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)
Let’s talk sanctification. I heard a term recently, “Harsh Judge”. It’s meant to represent the negative self talk we all have that torments our minds. The strong Christian women leaders I know expect perfection from themselves. “I should be over this by now. Why am I dealing with this sin again? I love Jesus, why am I still acting this way?” Let’s silence those lies right now. Jesus is NOT a harsh judge! In fact, he declares in the Bible he came to love and not judge us. He is for you, not against you. Do you believe it? Selah.
The Holy Spirit’s work in us is our sanctification. He brings us from glory to glory. It’s a precious process while we’re here on Earth to become holy as God is holy. We will never reach perfection until we are with him - the King of Glory. So, in the meantime, be kind to yourself. Look back from the day of your salvation to today. Where are all the places you’ve grown? How far has the Holy Spirit taken you thus far? Where are your victories? Selah.
Let’s praise God for calling us to himself, saving us, and making us holy.
Glory to Glory - William Matthews
Love and Blessings,